BitBurner - Scripts
These scripts are for playing the open source game BitBurner
Table of Contents
Quick Start
# Download & run the update script ingame
wget scripts/update.js
run scripts/update.js
# Start the node manager with 8 nodes
run scripts/node-manager.js 8
# Chain the crawler, auto-pwner & miner to hack everything on the network
run scripts/crawler.js /scripts/auto-pwn.js {{TARGET}} /scripts/miner.js
RAM: 4.75 GB
Automatically gain root on a target machine. Optionaly after being rooted, a file can be coppied & executed.
[home ~/]> run scripts/auto-pwn.js --help
Running script with 1 thread(s), pid 161 and args: ["--help"].
Automatically gain root on a target machine. Optionaly after being rooted, a file can be coppied & executed.
Usage: run auto-pwn.js [TARGET] [SCRIPT] [ARGS]...
run auto-pwn.js --help
TARGET Target machine to root. Defaults to localhost
SCRIPT Script to copy & execute
ARGS Aditional arguments for SCRIPT. Forward the target with "{{TARGET}}"
-t --threads=num Set number of threads for script
-h --help Display help message
bruteforce.js (WIP)
Attacks target until security falls bellow threshold. Useful for throwing extra compute power & cracking a specific computer.
crawler.js (WIP)
RAM: 3.05 GB
Search the network for targets to execute a script against.
[home ~/]> run scripts/crawler.js --help
Running script with 1 thread(s), pid 163 and args: ["--help"].
Search the network for targets to execute a script against.
Usage: run crawler.js [OPTIONS] SCRIPT [ARGS]...
run crawler.js --help
SCRIPT Script to copy & execute
ARGS Aditional arguments for SCRIPT. Forward the target with "{{TARGET}}"
-d --depth=num Number of network hops. Defaults to 3
-l --level=num Exclude targets with a high hacking level. Defaults to hack level, 0 to disable
-p --ports=num Exclute targets with too many closed ports
-t --threads=num Set number of threads for script
-h --help Display help message
RAM: 2.35 GB
Weaken, spoof & hack the target in a loop for money.
[home ~/]> run scripts/miner.js --help
Running script with 1 thread(s), pid 165 and args: ["--help"].
Weaken, spoof & hack the target in a loop for money.
Usage: run miner.js [TARGET]
run miner.js --help
TARGET Target to mine. Defaults to localhost
-h --help Display help message
RAM: 5.70 GB
Buy, upgrade & manage Hacknet nodes automatically.
[home ~/]> run scripts/node-manager.js --help
Running script with 1 thread(s), pid 166 and args: ["--help"].
Buy, upgrade & manage Hacknet nodes automatically. Tail for live updates.
Usage: run node-manager.js [OPTIONS] LIMIT
run node-manager.js --balance 1E6 4
run node-manager.js --help
LIMIT Limit the number of nodes the manager will buy
-b --balance=num Prevent spending bellow this point
-h --help Display help message
RAM: 2.60 GB
Automatically download the latest versions of all scripts using wget.
[home ~/]> run scripts/update.js --help
Running script with 1 thread(s), pid 167 and args: ["--help"].
Automatically download the latest versions of all scripts using wget.
Usage: run update.js
run update.js --help
-h --help Display help message