Updates to everything
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ run scripts/update.js
# Start the node manager with 8 nodes
run scripts/node-manager.js 8
# Chain the crawler, auto-pwner & miner to hack everything within 3 hops
run scripts/crawler.js 3 /scripts/auto-pwn.js {{TARGET}} /scripts/miner.js
# Chain the crawler, auto-pwner & miner to hack everything on the network
run scripts/crawler.js /scripts/auto-pwn.js {{TARGET}} /scripts/miner.js
## Scripts
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ run scripts/crawler.js 3 /scripts/auto-pwn.js {{TARGET}} /scripts/miner.js
Automatically gain root on a target machine. Optionaly after being rooted, a file can be coppied & executed.
[home ~/]> run scripts/auto-pwn.js --help
Running script with 1 thread(s), pid 176 and args: ["--help"].
Running script with 1 thread(s), pid 161 and args: ["--help"].
Automatically gain root on a target machine. Optionaly after being rooted, a file can be coppied & executed.
@ -37,18 +37,37 @@ Usage: run auto-pwn.js [TARGET] [SCRIPT] [ARGS]...
ARGS Aditional arguments for SCRIPT. Forward the target with "{{TARGET}}"
-t --threads=num Set number of threads for script
-h --help Display help message
### [bruteforce.js](./scripts/bruteforce.js) (WIP)
Attacks target until security falls bellow threshold. Useful for throwing extra compute power & cracking a specific computer.
It's recommended you use any extra compute power on your home computer/servers to break strong servers & speed up the process.
### [crawler.js](./scripts/crawler.js) (WIP)
Scans the network to a desired depth & runs the specified script against targets.
**RAM:** 3.05 GB
It's recommended you use this in combination with `auto-pwn.js`.
Search the network for targets to execute a script against.
[home ~/]> run scripts/crawler.js --help
Running script with 1 thread(s), pid 163 and args: ["--help"].
Search the network for targets to execute a script against.
Usage: run crawler.js [OPTIONS] SCRIPT [ARGS]...
run crawler.js --help
SCRIPT Script to copy & execute
ARGS Aditional arguments for SCRIPT. Forward the target with "{{TARGET}}"
-d --depth=num Number of network hops. Defaults to 3
-l --level=num Exclude targets with a high hacking level. Defaults to hack level, 0 to disable
-p --ports=num Exclute targets with too many closed ports
-t --threads=num Set number of threads for script
-h --help Display help message
### [miner.js](./scripts/miner.js)
**RAM:** 2.35 GB
@ -56,20 +75,17 @@ It's recommended you use this in combination with `auto-pwn.js`.
Weaken, spoof & hack the target in a loop for money.
[home ~/]> run scripts/miner.js --help
Running script with 1 thread(s), pid 41 and args: ["--help"].
Running script with 1 thread(s), pid 165 and args: ["--help"].
Weaken, spoof & hack the target in a loop for money.
Usage: run miner.js [OPTIONS] [TARGET]
Usage: run miner.js [TARGET]
run miner.js --help
TARGET Target to mine. Defaults to localhost
-t --threads Speed up script with more CPU power
-h --help Display help message
@ -79,10 +95,10 @@ Options:
Buy, upgrade & manage Hacknet nodes automatically.
[home ~/]> run scripts/node-manager.js --help
Running script with 1 thread(s), pid 128 and args: ["--help"].
Running script with 1 thread(s), pid 166 and args: ["--help"].
Buy, upgrade & manage Hacknet nodes automatically.
Buy, upgrade & manage Hacknet nodes automatically. Tail for live updates.
Usage: run node-manager.js [OPTIONS] LIMIT
run node-manager.js --balance 1E6 4
@ -100,21 +116,15 @@ Options:
Automatically download the latest versions of all scripts using wget.
[home ~/]> run scripts/update.js
Running script with 1 thread(s), pid 18 and args: [].
/scripts/update.js: Updating self:
/scripts/update.js: update.js [==================>] 100% (14.9 MB/s)
[home ~/]> run scripts/update.js --help
Running script with 1 thread(s), pid 167 and args: ["--help"].
/scripts/update.js: Restarting...
/scripts/update.js: Downloading scripts:
/scripts/update.js: lib/arg-parser.js [==================>] 100% (13.4 MB/s)
/scripts/update.js: auto-pwn.js [==================>] 100% (15.8 MB/s)
/scripts/update.js: bruteforce.js [==================>] 100% (18 MB/s)
/scripts/update.js: crawler.js [==================>] 100% (23.5 MB/s)
/scripts/update.js: miner.js [==================>] 100% (18.4 MB/s)
/scripts/update.js: node-manager.js [==================>] 100% (22 MB/s)
/scripts/update.js: update.js [==================>] 100% (22.7 MB/s)
/scripts/update.js: ✅ Done!
Automatically download the latest versions of all scripts using wget.
Usage: run update.js
run update.js --help
-h --help Display help message
@ -1,4 +1,71 @@
import {ArgParser} from './scripts/lib/arg-parser';
class ArgParser {
* Create a unix-like argument parser to extract flags from the argument list. Can also create help messages.
* @param opts - {examples: string[], arguments: {key: string, alias: string, type: string, optional: boolean, desc: string}[], desc: string}
constructor(opts) {
this.examples = opts.examples ?? [];
this.arguments = opts.args ?? [];
this.description = opts.desc;
* Parse the list for arguments & create a dictionary.
* @param args {any[]} - Array of arguments
* @returns Dictionary of matched flags + unmatched args under 'extra'
parse(args) {
const req = this.arguments.filter(a => !a.optional && !a.skip);
const queue = [...args], parsed = {}, extra = [];
for(let i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {
if(queue[i][0] != '-') {
let value = null, parse = queue[i].slice(queue[i][1] == '-' ? 2 : 1);
if(parse.indexOf('=')) {
const split = parse.split('=');
parse = split[0];
value = split[1];
let arg = this.arguments.find(a => a.key == parse) ?? this.arguments.find(a => a.alias == parse);
if(!arg) {
if(!value) {
value = arg.type == 'bool' ? true : queue[i + 1];
if(arg.type != 'bool') i++;
parsed[arg.key] = value;
req.forEach((a, i) => parsed[a.key] = extra[i]);
extra.splice(0, req.length);
return {...parsed, extra};
* Create a help message of the expected paramters & usage.
* @param msg {String} - Optional message to display with help
help(msg) {
let message = '\n\n';
message += msg ? msg : this.description;
if(this.examples.length) message += '\n\nUsage:\t' + this.examples.join('\n\t');
const required = this.arguments.filter(a => !a.optional);
if(required.length) message += '\n\n\t' + required.map(a => {
const padding = 3 - ~~(a.key.length / 8);
return `${a.key}${Array(padding).fill('\t').join('')} ${a.desc}`;
const optional = this.arguments.filter(a => a.optional);
if(optional.length) message += '\n\nOptions:\n\t' + optional.map(a => {
const flgs = `${a.alias ? `-${a.alias} ` : ''}--${a.key}${a.type && a.type != 'bool' ? `=${a.type}` : ''}`;
const padding = 3 - ~~(flgs.length / 8);
return `${flgs}${Array(padding).fill('\t').join('')} ${a.desc}`;
return `${message}\n\n`;
* Pwn a target server will availible tools. Can also copy & execute a script after pwning.
@ -27,8 +94,9 @@ export async function main(ns) {
args: [
{key: 'TARGET', desc: 'Target machine to root. Defaults to localhost'},
{key: 'SCRIPT', desc: 'Script to copy & execute'},
{key: 'ARGS', desc: 'Aditional arguments for SCRIPT. Forward the target with "{{TARGET}}"'},
{key: 'help', alias: 'h', optional: true, desc: 'Display help message'},
{key: 'ARGS', skip: true, desc: 'Aditional arguments for SCRIPT. Forward the target with "{{TARGET}}"'},
{key: 'threads', alias: 't', type: 'num', optional: true, desc: 'Set number of threads for script'},
{key: 'help', alias: 'h', type: 'bool', optional: true, desc: 'Display help message'},
const args = argParser.parse(ns.args);
@ -36,25 +104,28 @@ export async function main(ns) {
// Setup
const target = args['TARGET'] && args['TARGET'] != 'localhost' ? args['TARGET'] : ns.getHostname();
const threads = args['threads'] || !args['SCRIPT'] ? 1 : ~~(ns.getServerMaxRam(target) / ns.getScriptRam(args['SCRIPT'], 'home'));
// Banner
ns.tprint(`🧑💻 Pwning: ${target}`);
await printWithDelay('===================================================');
// Gain root
try {
// Open as many ports as possible
await printWithDelay(`Attacking (SSH) ⚔️ ${target}:22`, 3, 5);
await printWithDelay(`Attacking (FTP) ⚔️ ${target}:24`, 3, 5);
} catch {
} finally {
// Attempt to root
try {
await printWithDelay(`💀 Root Granted 💀`);
} catch {
await printWithDelay(`⚠️ Failed to Root ⚠️`);
@ -69,13 +140,11 @@ export async function main(ns) {
// Run scripts
const threads = Math.floor(ns.getServerMaxRam(target) / 2.3);
ns.scriptKill(args['SCRIPT'], target);
await printWithDelay(`ssh -c "run ${args['SCRIPT']} ${args['extra'].join(' ')} -t ${threads}" root@${target}`);
const pid = ns.exec(args['SCRIPT'], target, threads, ...args['extra'].map(a => a == '{{TARGET}}' ? target : a));
if(!pid) return ns.tprint('⚠️ Failed to start ⚠️');
ns.tprint('✅ Complete!');
ns.tprint(pid != null ? '✅ Done!' : '⚠️ Failed to start ⚠️');
@ -1,21 +1,122 @@
export async function main(ns) {
function usage(message) {
ns.tprint(`${!message ? '' : `${message}\n\n`}Usage:\nrun hack-all.js [...scripts]\n\n\tdepth - Follows network recersively\n\tscript1 - Path to script to run\n\tscripts - Additional scripts to run`);
class ArgParser {
* Create a unix-like argument parser to extract flags from the argument list. Can also create help messages.
* @param opts - {examples: string[], arguments: {key: string, alias: string, type: string, optional: boolean, desc: string}[], desc: string}
constructor(opts) {
this.examples = opts.examples ?? [];
this.arguments = opts.args ?? [];
this.description = opts.desc;
if(ns.args[0] == null) return usage('Missing depth');
if(ns.args.length < 2) return usage('Missing script(s)');
* Parse the list for arguments & create a dictionary.
* @param args {any[]} - Array of arguments
* @returns Dictionary of matched flags + unmatched args under 'extra'
parse(args) {
const req = this.arguments.filter(a => !a.optional && !a.skip);
const queue = [...args], parsed = {}, extra = [];
for(let i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {
if(queue[i][0] != '-') {
let value = null, parse = queue[i].slice(queue[i][1] == '-' ? 2 : 1);
if(parse.indexOf('=')) {
const split = parse.split('=');
parse = split[0];
value = split[1];
let arg = this.arguments.find(a => a.key == parse) ?? this.arguments.find(a => a.alias == parse);
if(!arg) {
if(!value) {
value = arg.type == 'bool' ? true : queue[i + 1];
if(arg.type != 'bool') i++;
parsed[arg.key] = value;
req.forEach((a, i) => parsed[a.key] = extra[i]);
extra.splice(0, req.length);
return {...parsed, extra};
let targets = ns.scan().map(h => [h, 1]);
for(let i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) {
if(targets[i][1] < ns.args[0]) ns.scan(targets[i][0]).forEach(h => {
if(h != 'home') targets.push([h, targets[i][1] + 1])
if(ns.getServerRequiredHackingLevel(targets[i][0]) > ns.getHackingLevel()) continue;
if(ns.getServerNumPortsRequired(targets[i][0]) > 0) continue;
ns.run('hack.js', 1, targets[i][0], ...ns.args.slice(1));
do { await ns.sleep(1000); }
while(ns.scriptRunning('hack.js', 'home'));
* Create a help message of the expected paramters & usage.
* @param msg {String} - Optional message to display with help
help(msg) {
let message = '\n\n';
message += msg ? msg : this.description;
if(this.examples.length) message += '\n\nUsage:\t' + this.examples.join('\n\t');
const required = this.arguments.filter(a => !a.optional);
if(required.length) message += '\n\n\t' + required.map(a => {
const padding = 3 - ~~(a.key.length / 8);
return `${a.key}${Array(padding).fill('\t').join('')} ${a.desc}`;
const optional = this.arguments.filter(a => a.optional);
if(optional.length) message += '\n\nOptions:\n\t' + optional.map(a => {
const flgs = `${a.alias ? `-${a.alias} ` : ''}--${a.key}${a.type && a.type != 'bool' ? `=${a.type}` : ''}`;
const padding = 3 - ~~(flgs.length / 8);
return `${flgs}${Array(padding).fill('\t').join('')} ${a.desc}`;
return `${message}\n\n`;
export async function main(ns) {
// Initilize script arguments
const argParser = new ArgParser({
desc: 'Search the network for targets to execute a script against.',
examples: [
'run crawler.js [OPTIONS] SCRIPT [ARGS]...',
'run crawler.js --help',
args: [
{key: 'SCRIPT', desc: 'Script to copy & execute'},
{key: 'ARGS', skip: true, desc: 'Aditional arguments for SCRIPT. Forward the target with "{{TARGET}}"'},
{key: 'depth', alias: 'd', type: 'num', optional: true, desc: 'Number of network hops. Defaults to 3'},
{key: 'level', alias: 'l', type: 'num', optional: true, desc: 'Exclude targets with a high hacking level. Defaults to hack level, 0 to disable'},
{key: 'ports', alias: 'p', type: 'num', optional: true, desc: 'Exclute targets with too many closed ports'},
{key: 'threads', alias: 't', type: 'num', optional: true, desc: 'Set number of threads for script'},
{key: 'help', alias: 'h', type: 'bool', optional: true, desc: 'Display help message'},
const args = argParser.parse(ns.args);
if(args['help']) return ns.tprint(argParser.help());
if(!args['SCRIPT']) return ns.tprint(argParser.help('Missing SCRIPT'));
// Setup
const depth = args['depth'] || 3;
const level = args['level'] || ns.getHackingLevel();
const ports = args['ports'] || Infinity;
const threads = args['threads'] || 1;
// Recursively search for targets
const targets = ns.scan().map(h => [h, 1]);
for(let i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) {
if(targets[i][1] < depth) ns.scan(targets[i][0]).forEach(h => {
if(h != 'home' && !targets.find(t => t[0] == h)) targets.push([h, targets[i][1] + 1]);
// Execute script on each target
for(const target of targets) {
// Check target
if(level && level < ns.getServerRequiredHackingLevel(target[0]) ||
(ports && ports < ns.getServerNumPortsRequired(target[0]))) return;
// Start script
ns.run(args['SCRIPT'], threads, ...args['extra'].map(a => a == '{{TARGET}}' ? target[0] : a));
// Wait for script to finish
// do { await ns.sleep(1000); }
// while(ns.scriptRunning(args['SCRIPT'], 'home'));
await ns.sleep(10000);
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
export class ArgParser {
* Create a unix-like argument parser to extract flags from the argument list. Can also create help messages.
* @param opts - {examples: string[], arguments: {key: string, alias: string, type: string, optional: boolean, desc: string}[], desc: string}
constructor(opts) {
this.examples = opts.examples ?? [];
this.arguments = opts.args ?? [];
this.description = opts.desc;
* Parse the list for arguments & create a dictionary.
* @param args {any[]} - Array of arguments
* @returns Dictionary of matched flags + unmatched args under 'extra'
parse(args) {
const req = this.arguments.filter(a => !a.optional);
const queue = [...args];
const parsed = {};
for(let i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {
if(queue[i][0] != '-') continue;
let value = null, parse = queue[i].slice(queue[i][1] == '-' ? 2 : 1);
if(parse.indexOf('=')) {
const split = parse.split('=');
parse = split[0];
value = split[1];
let arg = this.arguments.find(a => a.key == parse) ?? this.arguments.find(a => a.alias == parse);
if(!arg) continue;
if(!value) value = arg.type && arg.type != 'bool' ? queue.splice(i + 1, 1)[0] : true;
parsed[arg.key] = value;
queue.splice(i, 1);
req.forEach((a, i) => parsed[a.key] = queue[i]);
queue.splice(0, req.length);
parsed.extra = queue;
return parsed;
* Create a help message of the expected paramters & usage.
* @param msg {String} - Optional message to display with help
help(msg) {
let message = '\n\n';
message += msg ? msg : this.description;
if(this.examples.length) message += '\n\nUsage:\t' + this.examples.join('\n\t');
const required = this.arguments.filter(a => !a.optional);
if(required.length) message += '\n\n\t' + required.map(a => {
const padding = 3 - ~~(a.key.length / 8);
return `${a.key}${Array(padding).fill('\t').join('')} ${a.desc}`;
const optional = this.arguments.filter(a => a.optional);
if(optional.length) message += '\n\nOptions:\n\t' + optional.map(a => {
const flgs = `${a.alias ? `-${a.alias} ` : ''}--${a.key}${a.type && a.type != 'bool' ? `=${a.type}` : ''}`;
const padding = 3 - ~~(flgs.length / 8);
return `${flgs}${Array(padding).fill('\t').join('')} ${a.desc}`;
return `${message}\n\n`;
@ -1,4 +1,71 @@
import {ArgParser} from './scripts/lib/arg-parser';
class ArgParser {
* Create a unix-like argument parser to extract flags from the argument list. Can also create help messages.
* @param opts - {examples: string[], arguments: {key: string, alias: string, type: string, optional: boolean, desc: string}[], desc: string}
constructor(opts) {
this.examples = opts.examples ?? [];
this.arguments = opts.args ?? [];
this.description = opts.desc;
* Parse the list for arguments & create a dictionary.
* @param args {any[]} - Array of arguments
* @returns Dictionary of matched flags + unmatched args under 'extra'
parse(args) {
const req = this.arguments.filter(a => !a.optional && !a.skip);
const queue = [...args], parsed = {}, extra = [];
for(let i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {
if(queue[i][0] != '-') {
let value = null, parse = queue[i].slice(queue[i][1] == '-' ? 2 : 1);
if(parse.indexOf('=')) {
const split = parse.split('=');
parse = split[0];
value = split[1];
let arg = this.arguments.find(a => a.key == parse) ?? this.arguments.find(a => a.alias == parse);
if(!arg) {
if(!value) {
value = arg.type == 'bool' ? true : queue[i + 1];
if(arg.type != 'bool') i++;
parsed[arg.key] = value;
req.forEach((a, i) => parsed[a.key] = extra[i]);
extra.splice(0, req.length);
return {...parsed, extra};
* Create a help message of the expected paramters & usage.
* @param msg {String} - Optional message to display with help
help(msg) {
let message = '\n\n';
message += msg ? msg : this.description;
if(this.examples.length) message += '\n\nUsage:\t' + this.examples.join('\n\t');
const required = this.arguments.filter(a => !a.optional);
if(required.length) message += '\n\n\t' + required.map(a => {
const padding = 3 - ~~(a.key.length / 8);
return `${a.key}${Array(padding).fill('\t').join('')} ${a.desc}`;
const optional = this.arguments.filter(a => a.optional);
if(optional.length) message += '\n\nOptions:\n\t' + optional.map(a => {
const flgs = `${a.alias ? `-${a.alias} ` : ''}--${a.key}${a.type && a.type != 'bool' ? `=${a.type}` : ''}`;
const padding = 3 - ~~(flgs.length / 8);
return `${flgs}${Array(padding).fill('\t').join('')} ${a.desc}`;
return `${message}\n\n`;
* Hack a server for it's money.
@ -27,13 +94,12 @@ export async function main(ns) {
const argParser = new ArgParser({
desc: 'Weaken, spoof & hack the target in a loop for money.',
examples: [
'run miner.js [OPTIONS] [TARGET]',
'run miner.js [TARGET]',
'run miner.js --help',
args: [
{key: 'TARGET', desc: 'Target to mine. Defaults to localhost'},
{key: 'threads', alias: 't', optional: true, desc: 'Speed up script with more CPU power'},
{key: 'help', alias: 'h', optional: true, desc: 'Display help message'},
{key: 'help', alias: 'h', type: 'bool', optional: true, desc: 'Display help message'},
const args = argParser.parse(ns.args);
@ -42,7 +108,6 @@ export async function main(ns) {
// Setup
const historyLength = 15;
const messageHistory = Array(historyLength).fill('');
const threads = args['threads'] || 1;
const target = args['TARGET'] && args['TARGET'] != 'localhost' ? args['TARGET'] : ns.getHostname();
const minSecurity = ns.getServerMinSecurityLevel(target) + 2;
let orgBalance, balance, security;
@ -55,17 +120,17 @@ export async function main(ns) {
if(orgBalance == null) orgBalance = balance;
// Pick step
if(security > minSecurity) {
if(security > minSecurity) { // Weaken
log('Attacking Security...');
const w = await ns.weaken(target, {threads});
const w = await ns.weaken(target);
log(`Security: -${w}`);
} else if(balance <= orgBalance) {
} else if(balance <= orgBalance) { // Grow
log('Spoofing Balance...');
const g = await ns.grow(target, {threads});
const g = await ns.grow(target);
log(`Balance: +$${Math.round((g * balance - balance) * 100) / 100}`);
} else {
} else { // Hack
log('Hacking Account...');
const h = await ns.hack(target, {threads});
const h = await ns.hack(target);
log(`Balance: -$${h}`);
@ -1,4 +1,71 @@
import {ArgParser} from './scripts/lib/arg-parser';
class ArgParser {
* Create a unix-like argument parser to extract flags from the argument list. Can also create help messages.
* @param opts - {examples: string[], arguments: {key: string, alias: string, type: string, optional: boolean, desc: string}[], desc: string}
constructor(opts) {
this.examples = opts.examples ?? [];
this.arguments = opts.args ?? [];
this.description = opts.desc;
* Parse the list for arguments & create a dictionary.
* @param args {any[]} - Array of arguments
* @returns Dictionary of matched flags + unmatched args under 'extra'
parse(args) {
const req = this.arguments.filter(a => !a.optional && !a.skip);
const queue = [...args], parsed = {}, extra = [];
for(let i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {
if(queue[i][0] != '-') {
let value = null, parse = queue[i].slice(queue[i][1] == '-' ? 2 : 1);
if(parse.indexOf('=')) {
const split = parse.split('=');
parse = split[0];
value = split[1];
let arg = this.arguments.find(a => a.key == parse) ?? this.arguments.find(a => a.alias == parse);
if(!arg) {
if(!value) {
value = arg.type == 'bool' ? true : queue[i + 1];
if(arg.type != 'bool') i++;
parsed[arg.key] = value;
req.forEach((a, i) => parsed[a.key] = extra[i]);
extra.splice(0, req.length);
return {...parsed, extra};
* Create a help message of the expected paramters & usage.
* @param msg {String} - Optional message to display with help
help(msg) {
let message = '\n\n';
message += msg ? msg : this.description;
if(this.examples.length) message += '\n\nUsage:\t' + this.examples.join('\n\t');
const required = this.arguments.filter(a => !a.optional);
if(required.length) message += '\n\n\t' + required.map(a => {
const padding = 3 - ~~(a.key.length / 8);
return `${a.key}${Array(padding).fill('\t').join('')} ${a.desc}`;
const optional = this.arguments.filter(a => a.optional);
if(optional.length) message += '\n\nOptions:\n\t' + optional.map(a => {
const flgs = `${a.alias ? `-${a.alias} ` : ''}--${a.key}${a.type && a.type != 'bool' ? `=${a.type}` : ''}`;
const padding = 3 - ~~(flgs.length / 8);
return `${flgs}${Array(padding).fill('\t').join('')} ${a.desc}`;
return `${message}\n\n`;
* Manages hacknet nodes, purchasing nodes to reach the desired amount.
@ -32,7 +99,7 @@ export async function main(ns) {
args: [
{key: 'LIMIT', desc: 'Limit the number of nodes the manager will buy'},
{key: 'balance', alias: 'b', type: 'num', optional: true, desc: 'Prevent spending bellow this point'},
{key: 'help', alias: 'h', optional: true, desc: 'Display help message'},
{key: 'help', alias: 'h', type: 'bool', optional: true, desc: 'Display help message'},
const args = argParser.parse(ns.args);
@ -48,7 +115,7 @@ export async function main(ns) {
const messageHistory = Array(historyLength).fill('');
const limit = args['LIMIT'];
const savings = args['balance'] ?? 0
const nodeCount = ns.hacknet.numNodes();
let nodeCount = ns.hacknet.numNodes();
while(true) {
@ -1,3 +1,72 @@
class ArgParser {
* Create a unix-like argument parser to extract flags from the argument list. Can also create help messages.
* @param opts - {examples: string[], arguments: {key: string, alias: string, type: string, optional: boolean, desc: string}[], desc: string}
constructor(opts) {
this.examples = opts.examples ?? [];
this.arguments = opts.args ?? [];
this.description = opts.desc;
* Parse the list for arguments & create a dictionary.
* @param args {any[]} - Array of arguments
* @returns Dictionary of matched flags + unmatched args under 'extra'
parse(args) {
const req = this.arguments.filter(a => !a.optional && !a.skip);
const queue = [...args], parsed = {}, extra = [];
for(let i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {
if(queue[i][0] != '-') {
let value = null, parse = queue[i].slice(queue[i][1] == '-' ? 2 : 1);
if(parse.indexOf('=')) {
const split = parse.split('=');
parse = split[0];
value = split[1];
let arg = this.arguments.find(a => a.key == parse) ?? this.arguments.find(a => a.alias == parse);
if(!arg) {
if(!value) {
value = arg.type == 'bool' ? true : queue[i + 1];
if(arg.type != 'bool') i++;
parsed[arg.key] = value;
req.forEach((a, i) => parsed[a.key] = extra[i]);
extra.splice(0, req.length);
return {...parsed, extra};
* Create a help message of the expected paramters & usage.
* @param msg {String} - Optional message to display with help
help(msg) {
let message = '\n\n';
message += msg ? msg : this.description;
if(this.examples.length) message += '\n\nUsage:\t' + this.examples.join('\n\t');
const required = this.arguments.filter(a => !a.optional);
if(required.length) message += '\n\n\t' + required.map(a => {
const padding = 3 - ~~(a.key.length / 8);
return `${a.key}${Array(padding).fill('\t').join('')} ${a.desc}`;
const optional = this.arguments.filter(a => a.optional);
if(optional.length) message += '\n\nOptions:\n\t' + optional.map(a => {
const flgs = `${a.alias ? `-${a.alias} ` : ''}--${a.key}${a.type && a.type != 'bool' ? `=${a.type}` : ''}`;
const padding = 3 - ~~(flgs.length / 8);
return `${flgs}${Array(padding).fill('\t').join('')} ${a.desc}`;
return `${message}\n\n`;
* Automatically download all the scripts in the repository.
@ -14,11 +83,24 @@ export async function main(ns) {
ns.tprint(`${file} ${file.length <= 10 ? '\t' : ''}\t [==================>] 100% \t (${speed} MB/s)`);
// Initilize script arguments
const argParser = new ArgParser({
desc: 'Automatically download the latest versions of all scripts using wget.',
examples: [
'run update.js',
'run update.js --help',
args: [
{key: 'help', alias: 'h', type: 'bool', optional: true, desc: 'Display help message'},
const args = argParser.parse(ns.args);
if(args['help']) return ns.tprint(argParser.help());
// Setup
const src = 'https://gitlab.zakscode.com/ztimson/BitBurner/-/raw/develop/scripts/';
const dest = '/scripts/';
const fileList = [
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