2018-06-28 19:22:29 -04:00

149 lines
5.8 KiB

# ng-datatable
A lightweight, feature rich table to display data. It is built with twitter bootstrap in mind but its simple table structor makes it easy to style.
- Templating columns
- Sorting
- Filtering
- Pagination
- Expanding/Master Detail
- Selection Modes
- Easy CSS
- Mobile column hiding
- Checkboxes
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## Installing
1. Install package `npm install @ztimson/ng-datatable --save`
2. Import into module
import {NgDatatableModule} from '@ztimsonm/ng-datatable'
imports: [
export class AppModule { }
3. Add to template
<ng-datatable [columns]="columns" [data]="data"></ng-datatable>
## API
### NgDatatableComponent
Exported As: `NgDatatableComponent`
Selector: `ng-datatable`
#### Properties
| Name | Description |
| --------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- |
| @Input() cssClass: string | Class added to the main table element |
| @Input() columns: Column[] | Columns to display on table |
| @Input() expandedTemplate: TemplateRef<any> | An Angular template to render expanded rows |
| @Input() mobileBreakpoint: number | Hide mobile columns past this point. Default: 768px |
| @Input() pageLength: number | Number of rows per page. Default 20 |
| @Input() page: number | Current page |
| @Input() paginate: boolean | Paginate rows or display all at once. Default true |
| @Input() paginateCssClass: string | Class added to the paginator |
| @Input() selectionMode: null/'single'/'multi' | Allow selecting none, single or multiple rows at once |
| @Input() showCheckbox: boolean | Show checkbox' for mass selecting |
| @Input() tableLayout: 'auto'/'fixed' | CSS table layout. Defaults to 'auto' |
| @Output() filterChanged: EventEmitter<(a, b) => 1/0/-1[]> | Applied filters |
| @Output() finished: EventEmitter<any[]> | Emits when finished processing data |
| @Output() pageChanged: EventEmitter<number> | New page |
| @Output() processing: EventEmitter<any[]> | Emits when processing begins |
| @Output() selectionChanged: EventEmitter<any[]> | Selected rows |
| pagedData: any[] | Array of rows on current page after sorting and filtering |
| processedData: any[] | Array of remaining rows after sorting and filtering |
| selectedRows: Set<number> | Index numbers of rows currently selected |
#### Methods
##### addFilter(...filters)
Add function to filter rows by.
| paramater | Description |
| ----------------------------------- | ------------------------- |
| ...filters: (el, i, arr) => boolean | Filters to add to dataset |
##### changePage(page)
Change the current selected page.
| paramater | Description |
| ------------ | ----------------- |
| page: number | Page to change to |
##### clearFilters(update)
Clear filters being applied to. Update can be set to false to prevent instant filtering in cases where you may be applying filters right after.
| paramater | Description |
| --------------- | ----------------------- |
| update: boolean | Clear filters imedietly |
##### clearSelected()
Clear all selected rows.
##### selectAll()
Select all rows. Ignores pagination but not filtering.
##### sort(columnIndex: number, desc?: boolean)
Sort the grid by column index
| paramater | Description |
| ------------------- | ---------------------------- |
| columnIndex: number | Column index to sort by |
| desc: boolean | Sort ascending or descending |
##### updateSelected(index)
Virtually click on row causing selection/expanding/collapsing
| paramater | Description |
| ------------- | ------------- |
| index: number | Row to select |
### Column
Exported As: `Column`
#### Properties
| Name | Description |
| -------------------------- | ----------------------------------- |
| cssClass: string | Style to add to column header |
| hide: boolean | Hide column |
| hideMobile: boolean | Hide column on mobile devices |
| initialSort: 'asc'/'desc' | Sort the column initially |
| label: string | Column header label |
| property: string | Property to display in dot notation |
| sort: boolean | Enable/Disable sorting |
| sortFn: (a, b) => 1/0/-1 | Custom function to sort rows by |
| template: TemplateRef<any> | Template to render row with |
| width: number/string | CSS width property |