2022-03-11 16:56:04 +00:00

6.3 KiB

BitBurner - Scripts

These scripts are for playing the open source game BitBurner

Table of Contents

Quick Start

# Download the update script in-game
wget scripts/update.js

# Run the update script (Repeat this to pull this repository in the future)
run scripts/update.js

# Start the node manager with 8 nodes
run scripts/node-manager.js 8

# Chain the crawler, rootkit & miner to hack everything on the network
alias hackAll="run scripts/crawler.js /scripts/rootkit.js {{TARGET}} /scripts/miner.js"

# Identify & install a backdoor on CSEC
run scripts/network-graph.js -f CSEC
run scripts/rootkit.js CSEC
run scripts/connect.js CSEC

Learn more about the availible scripts bellow or pass the --help flag to any of the included scripts in-game.



RAM: 1.85 GB

Connect to a device on a different network.

[home ~/]> run /scripts/connect.js --help
Running script with 1 thread(s), pid 1 and args: ["--help"].

Connect to a device on a different network.

Usage:	run connect.js DEVICE
	run connect.js --help

	DEVICE			 Device to connect to

	-h --help		 Display this help message


RAM: 4.05 GB

Search the network for targets to execute a script against.

[home ~/]> run scripts/crawler.js --help
Running script with 1 thread(s), pid 1 and args: ["--help"].

Search the network for targets to execute a script against.

Usage:	run crawler.js [OPTIONS] SCRIPT [ARGS]...
	run crawler.js --help

	SCRIPT			 Script to copy & execute
	ARGS			 Arguments for script. Forward the current target with: {{TARGET}}

	-c --cpu		 Number of CPU threads to use with script
	-d --depth		 Depth to scan to, defaults to 3
	-l --level		 Exclude targets with higher hack level, defaults to current hack level
	-p --ports		 Exclute targets with too many closed ports
	-h --help		 Display this help message


RAM: 2.45 GB

Weaken, Grow, Hack loop to "mine" machine for money.

[home ~/]> run scripts/miner.js --help
Running script with 1 thread(s), pid 1 and args: ["--help"].

Weaken, Grow, Hack loop to "mine" machine for money.

Usage:	run miner.js [DEVICE]
	run miner.js --help

	DEVICE			 Device to mine, defaults to current machine

	-h --help		 Display this help message


RAM: 3.85 GB

Scan the network for devices and display as an ASCII tree.

[home ~/]> run /scripts/network-graph.js --help
Running script with 1 thread(s), pid 1 and args: ["--help"].

Scan the network for devices and display as an ASCII tree:
  ├─ n00dles (ROOTED)
  |   └─ max-hardware (80|1)
  |       └─ neo-net (50|1)
  ├─ foodnstuff (ROOTED)
  └─ sigma-cosmetics (ROOTED)

Usage:	run network-graph.js [OPTIONS] [DEVICE]
	run network-graph.js --help

	DEVICE			 Point to start scan from, defaults to current machine

	-d --depth		 Depth to scan to, defaults to 3
	-f --filter		 Display devices matching name
	-r --regex		 Display devices matching pattern
	-v --verbose		 Displays the required hack level & ports needed to root: (level|port)
	-h --help		 Display this help message


RAM: 5.70 GB

Buy, upgrade & manage Hacknet nodes automatically. Tail for live updates.

[home ~/]> run scripts/node-manager.js --help
Running script with 1 thread(s), pid 1 and args: ["--help"].

Buy, upgrade & manage Hacknet nodes automatically. Tail for live updates.

Usage:	run node-manager.js [OPTIONS] [LIMIT]
	run node-manager.js --help

	LIMIT			 Limit the number of nodes the manager will buy, defaults to 8

	-b --balance		 Prevent spending bellow point
	-h --help		 Display this help message


RAM: 4.75 GB - 4.90 GB (depending on un-commented programs)

Automatically gain root on a target machine. A file can also be uploaded & executed.

Programs can be commented out to lower the cost of running.

[home ~/]> run scripts/rootkit.js --help
Running script with 1 thread(s), pid 1 and args: ["--help"].

Automatically gain root access to a device. A file can also be uploaded & executed.

Usage:	run rootkit.js [OPTIONS] [DEVICE] [SCRIPT] [ARGS]...
	run rootkit.js --help

	DEVICE			 Device to root, defaults to current machine
	SCRIPT			 Script to copy & execute
	ARGS			 Arguments for script. Forward the current target with: {{TARGET}}

	-c --cpu		 Number of CPU threads to use with script
	-h --help		 Display this help message


RAM: 2.65 GB

Download the latest script updates from the repository using wget.

[home ~/]> run scripts/update.js --help
Running script with 1 thread(s), pid 1 and args: ["--help"].

Download the latest script updates from the repository using wget.

Usage:	run update.js [OPTIONS] [DEVICE]
	run update.js --help

	DEVICE			 Device to update, defaults to current machine

	--skip-self		 Skip updating self (for debugging & used internally)
	--no-banner		 Hide the banner (Used internally)
	-h --help		 Display this help message


RAM: 1.90 GB

Weaken a device indefinitely.

[home ~/scripts]> run /scripts/vanguard.js --help
Running script with 1 thread(s), pid 1 and args: ["--help"].

Weaken a device indefinitely.

Usage:	run vanguard.js [OPTIONS] [DEVICE]
	run vanguard.js --help

	DEVICE			 Device to weaken, defaults to the current machine

	-l --limit		 Limit the number of times to run
	-h --help		 Display this help message