BitBurner - Scripts
These scripts are for playing the open source game BitBurner
Table of Contents
The repository can be loaded into the game by doing the following:
- Download the update script ingame:
wget scripts/update.js
- Run update script:
run scripts/update.js
Quick Start
# Start the node manager
run scripts/node-manager.js 8
# Chain the crawler, auto-pwner & miner to hack everything within 3 hops
run scripts/crawler.js 3 scripts/auto-pwn.js scripts/miner.js
auto-pwn.js (WIP)
Automatically gains root on a target machine. After being pwned, the specified files will be coppied & ran.
It's recomended you use this in combination with miner.js
bruteforce.js (WIP)
Attacks target until security falls bellow threshold. Useful for throwing extra compute power & cracking a specific computer.
It's recommended you use any extra compute power on your home computer/servers to break strong servers & speed up the process.
crawler.js (WIP)
Scans the network to a desired depth & runs the specified script against targets.
It's recommended you use this in combination with auto-pwn.js
miner.js (WIP)
Will weaken, spoof & hack the target in a loop.
It's recommended you run this in combination with auto-pwn.js
to gain root & run the miner on the remote machine.
Manages the specified number of nodes buying any if they don't exist.
It's recommended you run this from your home computer, it useses 5.6 GB of RAM.
Usage: run node-manager.js [OPTION] LIMIT
Limit - Limit the number of nodes the script will buy
Help - Displays this help message
Balance - Prevent spending bellow this point
Automaticlly downloads all the scripts in this repo using the in-game wget
Usage: run update.js