Added new network-graph script

This commit is contained in:
Zakary Timson 2022-02-24 21:58:39 +00:00
parent 3084ee83cf
commit cd74af6a11
3 changed files with 157 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -89,6 +89,33 @@ Options:
-h --help Display help message
### [network-graph.js](./scripts/network-graph.js)
**RAM:** 3.80 GB
Scan the network for devices and display as an ASCII tree
[home ~/]> run /scripts/network-graph.js -h
Running script with 1 thread(s), pid 138 and args: ["-h"].
Scan the network for devices and display as an ASCII tree:
├─ n00dles (ROOTED)
| └─ max-hardware (80|1)
| └─ neo-net (50|1)
├─ foodnstuff (ROOTED)
└─ sigma-cosmetics (ROOTED)
Usage: run network-graph.js [OPTIONS] TARGET
run network-graph.js --help
TARGET Starting point to scan from, defaults to home
-d --depth=num Depth to scan for devices to, defaults to 3
-v --verbose Displays "ROOTED" or the required hack level & ports: (level|port)
-h --help Display help message
### [node-manager.js](./scripts/node-manager.js)
**RAM:** 5.70 GB

scripts/network-graph.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
class ArgParser {
* Create a unix-like argument parser to extract flags from the argument list. Can also create help messages.
* @param opts - {examples: string[], arguments: {key: string, alias: string, type: string, optional: boolean, desc: string}[], desc: string}
constructor(opts) {
this.examples = opts.examples ?? [];
this.arguments = opts.args ?? [];
this.description = opts.desc;
* Parse the list for arguments & create a dictionary.
* @param args {any[]} - Array of arguments
* @returns Dictionary of matched flags + unmatched args under 'extra'
parse(args) {
const req = this.arguments.filter(a => !a.optional && !a.skip);
const queue = [...args], parsed = {}, extra = [];
for(let i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {
if(queue[i][0] != '-') {
let value = null, parse = queue[i].slice(queue[i][1] == '-' ? 2 : 1);
if(parse.indexOf('=')) {
const split = parse.split('=');
parse = split[0];
value = split[1];
let arg = this.arguments.find(a => a.key == parse) ?? this.arguments.find(a => a.alias == parse);
if(!arg) {
if(!value) {
value = arg.type == 'bool' ? true : queue[i + 1];
if(arg.type != 'bool') i++;
parsed[arg.key] = value;
req.forEach((a, i) => parsed[a.key] = extra[i]);
extra.splice(0, req.length);
return {...parsed, extra};
* Create a help message of the expected paramters & usage.
* @param msg {String} - Optional message to display with help
help(msg) {
let message = '\n\n';
message += msg ? msg : this.description;
if(this.examples.length) message += '\n\nUsage:\t' + this.examples.join('\n\t');
const required = this.arguments.filter(a => !a.optional);
if(required.length) message += '\n\n\t' + => {
const padding = 3 - ~~(a.key.length / 8);
return `${a.key}${Array(padding).fill('\t').join('')} ${a.desc}`;
const optional = this.arguments.filter(a => a.optional);
if(optional.length) message += '\n\nOptions:\n\t' + => {
const flgs = `${a.alias ? `-${a.alias} ` : ''}--${a.key}${a.type && a.type != 'bool' ? `=${a.type}` : ''}`;
const padding = 3 - ~~(flgs.length / 8);
return `${flgs}${Array(padding).fill('\t').join('')} ${a.desc}`;
return `${message}\n\n`;
export async function main(ns) {
// Initilize script arguments
const argParser = new ArgParser({
desc: 'Scan the network for devices and display as an ASCII tree:\n ├─ n00dles (ROOTED)\n | └─ max-hardware (80|1)\n | └─ neo-net (50|1)\n ├─ foodnstuff (ROOTED)\n └─ sigma-cosmetics (ROOTED)',
examples: [
'run network-graph.js [OPTIONS] TARGET',
'run network-graph.js --help',
args: [
{key: 'TARGET', desc: 'Starting point to scan from, defaults to home'},
{key: 'depth', alias: 'd', type: 'num', optional: true, desc: 'Depth to scan for devices to, defaults to 3'},
{key: 'verbose', alias: 'v', type: 'bool', optional: true, desc: 'Displays "ROOTED" or the required hack level & ports: (level|port)'},
{key: 'help', alias: 'h', type: 'bool', optional: true, desc: 'Display help message'},
const args = argParser.parse(ns.args);
if(args['help']) return ns.tprint(;
const start = args['TARGET'] || 'home';
const mDepth = args['depth'] || 3;
* Recursively search network & build a tree
* @param host {string} - Point to scan from
* @param depth {number} - Current scanning depth
* @param maxDepth {number} - Depth to scan to
* @param blacklist {String[]} - Devices already discovered
* @returns Dicionary of discovered devices
function scan(host, depth = 1, maxDepth = mDepth, blacklist = [host]) {
if(depth > maxDepth) return {};
const localTargets = ns.scan(host).filter(target => !blacklist.includes(target));
blacklist = blacklist.concat(localTargets);
return localTargets.reduce((acc, target) => {
const info = ns.getServer(target);
const verbose = args['verbose'] ? ` (${info.hasAdminRights ? 'ROOTED' : `${info.requiredHackingSkill}|${info.numOpenPortsRequired}`})` : '';
const name = `${target}${verbose}`;
acc[name] = scan(target, depth + 1, maxDepth, blacklist);
return acc;
}, {});
* Iterate tree & print to screen
* @param tree {Object} - Tree to parse
* @param spacer {String} - Spacer text for tree formatting
function render(tree, spacer = '') {
Object.keys(tree).forEach((key, i, arr) => {
const last = i == arr.length - 1;
const branch = last ? '└─ ' : '├─ ';
render(tree[key], spacer + (last ? ' ' : '| '));
const network = scan(start);

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@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ export async function main(ns) {