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## Table of Contents - [Waterloo-2014](#top) - [About](#about) - [Built With](#built-with) - [Setup](#setup) - [Development](#development) - [License](#license) ## About In 2014 I competed in Waterloo's senior programing cometition. These programs correspond to the problems found inside [Waterloo-2014.pdf](./Waterloo-2014.pdf). #### Rules: - 3 hours to complete as many problems as possible; only completed programs count - Only writen resorces are allowed to be brought in and used (No internet/search engine) - Every file must use file input and standard output (Names correspond (src.S1.java < src.S1.txt)) - Some programs are rated on efficency #### Results - 1st place in local area, doubling 2nd place's score - src.S1 completed every test & recieved full marks (40 points) - src.S2 completed every test & recieved full marks (40 points) - src.S3 only halfed worked (15 points), I rushed to move onto src.S4 - src.S4 didn't have time to complete In hindsight, knowing I only needed to pass 3 problems to advance to nationals, I should have focused on the 3 easiest problems & ensured they all worked instead of rushing through all of the problems & ending up with two half-complete. ### Built With [![Java](https://img.shields.io/badge/Java-5382A1?style=for-the-badge&logo=coffeescript&logoColor=F8981D)](https://java.com/) ## Setup


#### Prerequisites - [Java SDK](https://www.oracle.com/ca-en/java/technologies/downloads) #### Instructions 1. Compile & run each program: - `javac src/S1.java && java src/S1 << data/S1.txt` - `javac src/S2.java && java src/S2 << data/S2.txt` - `javac src/S3.java && java src/S3 << data/S3.txt` - `javac src/S4.java && java src/S4 << data/S4.txt`
## License Copyright © 2023 Zakary Timson | All Rights Reserved See the [license](./LICENSE) for more information.