2024-02-07 01:33:07 -05:00

200 lines
6.7 KiB

* Represents a reference to a declaration.
* @beta
export declare class DeclarationReference {
private _source;
private _navigation;
private _symbol;
constructor(source?: ModuleSource | GlobalSource, navigation?: Navigation.Locals | Navigation.Exports, symbol?: SymbolReference);
get source(): ModuleSource | GlobalSource | undefined;
get navigation(): Navigation.Locals | Navigation.Exports | undefined;
get symbol(): SymbolReference | undefined;
get isEmpty(): boolean;
static parse(text: string): DeclarationReference;
static parseComponent(text: string): Component;
* Determines whether the provided string is a well-formed symbol navigation component string.
static isWellFormedComponentString(text: string): boolean;
* Escapes a string for use as a symbol navigation component. If the string contains any of `!.#~:,"{}()@` or starts
* with `[`, it is enclosed in quotes.
static escapeComponentString(text: string): string;
* Unescapes a string used as a symbol navigation component.
static unescapeComponentString(text: string): string;
* Determines whether the provided string is a well-formed module source string. The string may not
* have a trailing `!` character.
static isWellFormedModuleSourceString(text: string): boolean;
* Escapes a string for use as a module source. If the string contains any of `!"` it is enclosed in quotes.
static escapeModuleSourceString(text: string): string;
* Unescapes a string used as a module source. The string may not have a trailing `!` character.
static unescapeModuleSourceString(text: string): string;
static empty(): DeclarationReference;
static package(packageName: string, importPath?: string): DeclarationReference;
static module(path: string, userEscaped?: boolean): DeclarationReference;
static global(): DeclarationReference;
static from(base: DeclarationReference | undefined): DeclarationReference;
withSource(source: ModuleSource | GlobalSource | undefined): DeclarationReference;
withNavigation(navigation: Navigation.Locals | Navigation.Exports | undefined): DeclarationReference;
withSymbol(symbol: SymbolReference | undefined): DeclarationReference;
withComponentPath(componentPath: ComponentPath): DeclarationReference;
withMeaning(meaning: Meaning | undefined): DeclarationReference;
withOverloadIndex(overloadIndex: number | undefined): DeclarationReference;
addNavigationStep(navigation: Navigation, component: ComponentLike): DeclarationReference;
toString(): string;
* Indicates the symbol table from which to resolve the next symbol component.
* @beta
export declare const enum Navigation {
Exports = ".",
Members = "#",
Locals = "~"
* Represents a module.
* @beta
export declare class ModuleSource {
readonly escapedPath: string;
private _path;
private _pathComponents;
constructor(path: string, userEscaped?: boolean);
get path(): string;
get packageName(): string;
get scopeName(): string;
get unscopedPackageName(): string;
get importPath(): string;
static fromScopedPackage(scopeName: string | undefined, unscopedPackageName: string, importPath?: string): ModuleSource;
static fromPackage(packageName: string, importPath?: string): ModuleSource;
private static _fromPackageName;
toString(): string;
private _getOrParsePathComponents;
* Represents the global scope.
* @beta
export declare class GlobalSource {
static readonly instance: GlobalSource;
private constructor();
toString(): string;
* @beta
export declare type Component = ComponentString | ComponentReference;
* @beta
export declare namespace Component {
function from(value: ComponentLike): Component;
* @beta
export declare type ComponentLike = Component | DeclarationReference | string;
* @beta
export declare class ComponentString {
readonly text: string;
constructor(text: string, userEscaped?: boolean);
toString(): string;
* @beta
export declare class ComponentReference {
readonly reference: DeclarationReference;
constructor(reference: DeclarationReference);
static parse(text: string): ComponentReference;
withReference(reference: DeclarationReference): ComponentReference;
toString(): string;
* @beta
export declare type ComponentPath = ComponentRoot | ComponentNavigation;
* @beta
export declare abstract class ComponentPathBase {
readonly component: Component;
constructor(component: Component);
addNavigationStep(this: ComponentPath, navigation: Navigation, component: ComponentLike): ComponentPath;
abstract toString(): string;
* @beta
export declare class ComponentRoot extends ComponentPathBase {
withComponent(component: ComponentLike): ComponentRoot;
toString(): string;
* @beta
export declare class ComponentNavigation extends ComponentPathBase {
readonly parent: ComponentPath;
readonly navigation: Navigation;
constructor(parent: ComponentPath, navigation: Navigation, component: Component);
withParent(parent: ComponentPath): ComponentNavigation;
withNavigation(navigation: Navigation): ComponentNavigation;
withComponent(component: ComponentLike): ComponentNavigation;
toString(): string;
* @beta
export declare const enum Meaning {
Class = "class",
Interface = "interface",
TypeAlias = "type",
Enum = "enum",
Namespace = "namespace",
Function = "function",
Variable = "var",
Constructor = "constructor",
Member = "member",
Event = "event",
CallSignature = "call",
ConstructSignature = "new",
IndexSignature = "index",
ComplexType = "complex"
* @beta
export interface ISymbolReferenceOptions {
meaning?: Meaning;
overloadIndex?: number;
* Represents a reference to a TypeScript symbol.
* @beta
export declare class SymbolReference {
readonly componentPath: ComponentPath | undefined;
readonly meaning: Meaning | undefined;
readonly overloadIndex: number | undefined;
constructor(component: ComponentPath | undefined, { meaning, overloadIndex }?: ISymbolReferenceOptions);
static empty(): SymbolReference;
withComponentPath(componentPath: ComponentPath | undefined): SymbolReference;
withMeaning(meaning: Meaning | undefined): SymbolReference;
withOverloadIndex(overloadIndex: number | undefined): SymbolReference;
addNavigationStep(navigation: Navigation, component: ComponentLike): SymbolReference;
toString(): string;
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