2024-02-07 01:33:07 -05:00

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{"version":3,"file":"DeserializerContext.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../../src/model/DeserializerContext.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":";AAAA,4FAA4F;AAC5F,2DAA2D;;;AAI3D,IAAY,oBA+GX;AA/GD,WAAY,oBAAoB;IAC9B;;OAEG;IACH,sEAAa,CAAA;IAEb;;OAEG;IACH,sEAAa,CAAA;IAEb;;OAEG;IACH,sEAAa,CAAA;IAEb;;;;;OAKG;IACH,sEAAa,CAAA;IAEb;;;;;OAKG;IACH,sEAAa,CAAA;IAEb;;;;OAIG;IACH,sEAAa,CAAA;IAEb;;;;;;;;OAQG;IACH,sEAAa,CAAA;IAEb;;;;OAIG;IACH,sEAAa,CAAA;IAEb;;;;;OAKG;IACH,sEAAa,CAAA;IAEb;;;;OAIG;IACH,sEAAa,CAAA;IAEb;;;;OAIG;IACH,sEAAa,CAAA;IAEb;;;;;OAKG;IACH,sEAAa,CAAA;IAEb;;;;;OAKG;IACH,sEAAe,CAAA;IAEf;;;;;OAKG;IACH,0FAAyB,CAAA;IAEzB;;;;;;OAMG;IACH,8GAAmC,CAAA;AACrC,CAAC,EA/GW,oBAAoB,GAApB,4BAAoB,KAApB,4BAAoB,QA+G/B;AAED,MAAa,mBAAmB;IA0B9B,YAAmB,OAA4B;QAC7C,IAAI,CAAC,eAAe,GAAG,OAAO,CAAC,eAAe,CAAC;QAC/C,IAAI,CAAC,WAAW,GAAG,OAAO,CAAC,WAAW,CAAC;QACvC,IAAI,CAAC,WAAW,GAAG,OAAO,CAAC,WAAW,CAAC;QACvC,IAAI,CAAC,oBAAoB,GAAG,OAAO,CAAC,oBAAoB,CAAC;QACzD,IAAI,CAAC,kBAAkB,GAAG,OAAO,CAAC,kBAAkB,CAAC;IACvD,CAAC;CACF;AAjCD,kDAiCC","sourcesContent":["// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT license.\n// See LICENSE in the project root for license information.\n\nimport type { TSDocConfiguration } from '@microsoft/tsdoc';\n\nexport enum ApiJsonSchemaVersion {\n /**\n * The initial release.\n */\n V_1000 = 1000,\n\n /**\n * Add support for type parameters and type alias types.\n */\n V_1001 = 1001,\n\n /**\n * Remove `canonicalReference` field. This field was for diagnostic purposes only and was never deserialized.\n */\n V_1002 = 1002,\n\n /**\n * Reintroduce the `canonicalReference` field using the experimental new TSDoc declaration reference notation.\n *\n * This is not a breaking change because this field is never deserialized; it is provided for informational\n * purposes only.\n */\n V_1003 = 1003,\n\n /**\n * Add a `tsdocConfig` field that tracks the TSDoc configuration for parsing doc comments.\n *\n * This is not a breaking change because an older implementation will still work correctly. The\n * custom tags will be skipped over by the parser.\n */\n V_1004 = 1004,\n\n /**\n * Add an `isOptional` field to `Parameter` and `TypeParameter` to track whether a function parameter is optional.\n *\n * When loading older JSON files, the value defaults to `false`.\n */\n V_1005 = 1005,\n\n /**\n * Add an `isProtected` field to `ApiConstructor`, `ApiMethod`, and `ApiProperty` to\n * track whether a class member has the `protected` modifier.\n *\n * Add an `isReadonly` field to `ApiProperty`, `ApiPropertySignature`, and `ApiVariable` to\n * track whether the item is readonly.\n *\n * When loading older JSON files, the values default to `false`.\n */\n V_1006 = 1006,\n\n /**\n * Add `ApiItemContainerMixin.preserveMemberOrder` to support enums that preserve their original sort order.\n *\n * When loading older JSON files, the value default to `false`.\n */\n V_1007 = 1007,\n\n /**\n * Add an `initializerTokenRange` field to `ApiProperty` and `ApiVariable` to track the item's\n * initializer.\n *\n * When loading older JSON files, this range is empty.\n */\n V_1008 = 1008,\n\n /**\n * Add an `isReadonly` field to `ApiIndexSignature` to track whether the item is readonly.\n *\n * When loading older JSON files, the values defaults to `false`.\n */\n V_1009 = 1009,\n\n /**\n * Add a `fileUrlPath` field to `ApiDeclaredItem` to track the URL to a declared item's source file.\n *\n * When loading older JSON files, the value defaults to `undefined`.\n */\n V_1010 = 1010,\n\n /**\n * Add an `isAbstract` field to `ApiClass`, `ApiMethod`, and `ApiProperty` to\n * track whether the item is abstract.\n *\n * When loading older JSON files, the value defaults to `false`.\n */\n V_1011 = 1011,\n\n /**\n * The current latest .api.json schema version.\n *\n * IMPORTANT: When incrementing this number, consider whether `OLDEST_SUPPORTED` or `OLDEST_FORWARDS_COMPATIBLE`\n * should be updated.\n */\n LATEST = V_1011,\n\n /**\n * The oldest .api.json schema version that is still supported for backwards compatibility.\n *\n * This must be updated if you change to the file format and do not implement compatibility logic for\n * deserializing the older representation.\n */\n OLDEST_SUPPORTED = V_1001,\n\n /**\n * Used to assign `IApiPackageMetadataJson.oldestForwardsCompatibleVersion`.\n *\n * This value must be \\<= `ApiJsonSchemaVersion.LATEST`. It must be reset to the `LATEST` value\n * if the older library would not be able to deserialize your new file format. Adding a nonessential field\n * is generally okay. Removing, modifying, or reinterpreting existing fields is NOT safe.\n */\n OLDEST_FORWARDS_COMPATIBLE = V_1001\n}\n\nexport class DeserializerContext {\n /**\n * The path of the file being deserialized, which may be useful for diagnostic purposes.\n */\n public readonly apiJsonFilename: string;\n\n /**\n * Metadata from `IApiPackageMetadataJson.toolPackage`.\n */\n public readonly toolPackage: string;\n\n /**\n * Metadata from `IApiPackageMetadataJson.toolVersion`.\n */\n public readonly toolVersion: string;\n\n /**\n * The version of the schema being deserialized, as obtained from `IApiPackageMetadataJson.schemaVersion`.\n */\n public readonly versionToDeserialize: ApiJsonSchemaVersion;\n\n /**\n * The TSDoc configuration for the context.\n */\n public readonly tsdocConfiguration: TSDocConfiguration;\n\n public constructor(options: DeserializerContext) {\n this.apiJsonFilename = options.apiJsonFilename;\n this.toolPackage = options.toolPackage;\n this.toolVersion = options.toolVersion;\n this.versionToDeserialize = options.versionToDeserialize;\n this.tsdocConfiguration = options.tsdocConfiguration;\n }\n}\n"]}