"use strict"; // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT license. // See LICENSE in the project root for license information. Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.FileWriter = void 0; const Import_1 = require("./Import"); const fsx = Import_1.Import.lazy('fs-extra', require); /** * API for interacting with file handles. * @public */ class FileWriter { constructor(fileDescriptor, filePath) { this._fileDescriptor = fileDescriptor; this.filePath = filePath; } /** * Opens a new file handle to the file at the specified path and given mode. * Behind the scenes it uses `fs.openSync()`. * The behaviour of this function is platform specific. * See: https://nodejs.org/docs/latest-v8.x/api/fs.html#fs_fs_open_path_flags_mode_callback * @param filePath - The absolute or relative path to the file handle that should be opened. * @param flags - The flags for opening the handle */ static open(filePath, flags) { return new FileWriter(fsx.openSync(filePath, FileWriter._convertFlagsForNode(flags)), filePath); } /** * Helper function to convert the file writer array to a Node.js style string (e.g. "wx" or "a"). * @param flags - The flags that should be converted. */ static _convertFlagsForNode(flags) { flags = Object.assign({ append: false, exclusive: false }, flags); return [flags.append ? 'a' : 'w', flags.exclusive ? 'x' : ''].join(''); } /** * Writes some text to the given file handle. Throws if the file handle has been closed. * Behind the scenes it uses `fs.writeSync()`. * @param text - The text to write to the file. */ write(text) { if (!this._fileDescriptor) { throw new Error(`Cannot write to file, file descriptor has already been released.`); } fsx.writeSync(this._fileDescriptor, text); } /** * Closes the file handle permanently. No operations can be made on this file handle after calling this. * Behind the scenes it uses `fs.closeSync()` and releases the file descriptor to be re-used. * * @remarks * The `close()` method can be called more than once; additional calls are ignored. */ close() { const fd = this._fileDescriptor; if (fd) { this._fileDescriptor = undefined; fsx.closeSync(fd); } } } exports.FileWriter = FileWriter; //# sourceMappingURL=FileWriter.js.map