"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.DocNodeManager = void 0; var StringChecks_1 = require("../parser/StringChecks"); /** * Part of the {@link TSDocConfiguration} object. * * @remarks * If you define your own custom subclasses of `DocNode`, they must be registered with the `DocNodeManager`. * Use {@link DocNodeManager.registerAllowableChildren} to specify which {@link DocNodeContainer} subclasses * are allowed to contain your nodes. */ var DocNodeManager = /** @class */ (function () { function DocNodeManager() { this._docNodeDefinitionsByKind = new Map(); this._docNodeDefinitionsByConstructor = new Map(); } /** * Registers a list of {@link IDocNodeDefinition} objects to be used with the associated * {@link TSDocConfiguration} object. */ DocNodeManager.prototype.registerDocNodes = function (packageName, definitions) { var packageNameError = StringChecks_1.StringChecks.explainIfInvalidPackageName(packageName); if (packageNameError) { throw new Error('Invalid NPM package name: ' + packageNameError); } for (var _i = 0, definitions_1 = definitions; _i < definitions_1.length; _i++) { var definition = definitions_1[_i]; if (!DocNodeManager._nodeKindRegExp.test(definition.docNodeKind)) { throw new Error("The DocNode kind " + JSON.stringify(definition.docNodeKind) + " is not a valid identifier." + " It must start with an underscore or letter, and be comprised of letters, numbers, and underscores"); } var existingDefinition = this._docNodeDefinitionsByKind.get(definition.docNodeKind); if (existingDefinition !== undefined) { throw new Error("The DocNode kind \"" + definition.docNodeKind + "\" was already registered" + (" by " + existingDefinition.packageName)); } existingDefinition = this._docNodeDefinitionsByConstructor.get(definition.constructor); if (existingDefinition !== undefined) { throw new Error("This DocNode constructor was already registered by " + existingDefinition.packageName + (" as " + existingDefinition.docNodeKind)); } var newDefinition = { docNodeKind: definition.docNodeKind, constructor: definition.constructor, packageName: packageName, allowedChildKinds: new Set() }; this._docNodeDefinitionsByKind.set(definition.docNodeKind, newDefinition); this._docNodeDefinitionsByConstructor.set(definition.constructor, newDefinition); } }; /** * Reports an error if the specified DocNode kind has not been registered. */ DocNodeManager.prototype.throwIfNotRegisteredKind = function (docNodeKind) { if (!this._docNodeDefinitionsByKind.has(docNodeKind)) { throw new Error("The DocNode kind \"" + docNodeKind + "\" was not registered with this TSDocConfiguration"); } }; /** * For the given parent DocNode kind, registers the specified DocNode kinds as being allowable children of * the parent. * * @remarks * To prevent mistakes, `DocNodeContainer` will report an error if you try to add node that was not registered * as an allowable child of the container. */ DocNodeManager.prototype.registerAllowableChildren = function (parentKind, childKinds) { var parentDefinition = this._getDefinition(parentKind); for (var _i = 0, childKinds_1 = childKinds; _i < childKinds_1.length; _i++) { var childKind = childKinds_1[_i]; this._getDefinition(childKind); parentDefinition.allowedChildKinds.add(childKind); } }; /** * Returns true if the specified DocNode kind has been registered as an allowable child of the specified * parent DocNode kind. */ DocNodeManager.prototype.isAllowedChild = function (parentKind, childKind) { var parentDefinition = this._getDefinition(parentKind); return parentDefinition.allowedChildKinds.has(childKind); }; DocNodeManager.prototype._getDefinition = function (docNodeKind) { var definition = this._docNodeDefinitionsByKind.get(docNodeKind); if (definition === undefined) { throw new Error("The DocNode kind \"" + docNodeKind + "\" was not registered with this TSDocConfiguration"); } return definition; }; // Matches an ASCII TypeScript-style identifier. // // Example: "_myIdentifier99" DocNodeManager._nodeKindRegExp = /^[_a-z][_a-z0-9]*$/i; return DocNodeManager; }()); exports.DocNodeManager = DocNodeManager; //# sourceMappingURL=DocNodeManager.js.map