import { ParserContext } from './ParserContext'; /** * The main parser for TSDoc comments. */ export declare class NodeParser { private readonly _parserContext; private readonly _configuration; private _currentSection; constructor(parserContext: ParserContext); parse(): void; private _performValidationChecks; private _validateTagDefinition; private _pushAccumulatedPlainText; private _parseAndPushBlock; private _addBlockToDocComment; /** * Used by `_parseParamBlock()`, this parses a JSDoc expression remainder like `string}` or `="]"]` from * an input like `@param {string} [x="]"] - the X value`. It detects nested balanced pairs of delimiters * and escaped string literals. */ private _tryParseJSDocTypeOrValueRest; /** * Used by `_parseParamBlock()`, this parses a JSDoc expression like `{string}` from * an input like `@param {string} x - the X value`. */ private _tryParseUnsupportedJSDocType; /** * Used by `_parseParamBlock()`, this parses a JSDoc expression remainder like `=[]]` from * an input like `@param {string} [x=[]] - the X value`. */ private _tryParseJSDocOptionalNameRest; private _parseParamBlock; private _pushNode; private _parseBackslashEscape; private _parseBlockTag; private _parseInlineTag; private _parseInheritDocTag; private _parseLinkTag; private _parseLinkTagUrlDestination; private _parseLinkTagCodeDestination; private _parseDeclarationReference; private _parseMemberReference; private _parseMemberSymbol; private _parseMemberIdentifier; private _parseMemberSelector; private _parseHtmlStartTag; private _parseHtmlAttribute; private _parseHtmlString; private _parseHtmlEndTag; /** * Parses an HTML name such as an element name or attribute name. */ private _parseHtmlName; private _parseFencedCode; private _parseCodeSpan; private _tryReadSpacingAndNewlines; /** * Read the next token, and report it as a DocErrorText node. */ private _createError; /** * Rewind to the specified marker, read the next token, and report it as a DocErrorText node. */ private _backtrackAndCreateError; /** * Rewind to the errorStartMarker, read the tokens up to and including errorInclusiveEndMarker, * and report it as a DocErrorText node. */ private _backtrackAndCreateErrorRange; /** * Rewind to the specified marker, read the next token, and report it as a DocErrorText node * whose location is based on an IFailure. */ private _backtrackAndCreateErrorForFailure; /** * Rewind to the errorStartMarker, read the tokens up to and including errorInclusiveEndMarker, * and report it as a DocErrorText node whose location is based on an IFailure. */ private _backtrackAndCreateErrorRangeForFailure; /** * Creates an IFailure whose TokenSequence is a single token. If a marker is not specified, * then it is the current token. */ private _createFailureForToken; /** * Creates an IFailure whose TokenSequence starts from the specified marker and * encompasses all tokens read since then. If none were read, then the next token used. */ private _createFailureForTokensSince; } //#