/** * Unique identifiers for console messages reported by API Extractor. * * @remarks * * These strings are possible values for the {@link ExtractorMessage.messageId} property * when the `ExtractorMessage.category` is {@link ExtractorMessageCategory.Console}. * * @public */ export declare const enum ConsoleMessageId { /** * "Analysis will use the bundled TypeScript version ___" */ Preamble = "console-preamble", /** * "The target project appears to use TypeScript ___ which is newer than the bundled compiler engine; * consider upgrading API Extractor." */ CompilerVersionNotice = "console-compiler-version-notice", /** * "Using custom TSDoc config from ___" */ UsingCustomTSDocConfig = "console-using-custom-tsdoc-config", /** * "Found metadata in ___" */ FoundTSDocMetadata = "console-found-tsdoc-metadata", /** * "Writing: ___" */ WritingDocModelFile = "console-writing-doc-model-file", /** * "Writing package typings: ___" */ WritingDtsRollup = "console-writing-dts-rollup", /** * "You have changed the public API signature for this project. * Please copy the file ___ to ___, or perform a local build (which does this automatically). * See the Git repo documentation for more info." * * OR * * "The API report file is missing. * Please copy the file ___ to ___, or perform a local build (which does this automatically). * See the Git repo documentation for more info." */ ApiReportNotCopied = "console-api-report-not-copied", /** * "You have changed the public API signature for this project. Updating ___" */ ApiReportCopied = "console-api-report-copied", /** * "The API report is up to date: ___" */ ApiReportUnchanged = "console-api-report-unchanged", /** * "The API report file was missing, so a new file was created. Please add this file to Git: ___" */ ApiReportCreated = "console-api-report-created", /** * "Unable to create the API report file. Please make sure the target folder exists: ___" */ ApiReportFolderMissing = "console-api-report-folder-missing", /** * Used for the information printed when the "--diagnostics" flag is enabled. */ Diagnostics = "console-diagnostics" } //# sourceMappingURL=ConsoleMessageId.d.ts.map