172 lines
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172 lines
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import { TextRange } from './TextRange';
* Distinguishes different types of Token objects.
export declare enum TokenKind {
* A token representing the end of the input. The Token.range will be an empty range
* at the end of the provided input.
EndOfInput = 2001,
* A token representing a virtual newline.
* The Token.range will be an empty range, because the actual newline character may
* be noncontiguous due to the doc comment delimiter trimming.
Newline = 2002,
* A token representing one or more spaces and tabs (but not newlines or end of input).
Spacing = 2003,
* A token representing one or more ASCII letters, numbers, and underscores.
AsciiWord = 2004,
* A single ASCII character that behaves like punctuation, e.g. doesn't need whitespace
* around it when adjacent to a letter. The Token.range will always be a string of length 1.
OtherPunctuation = 2005,
* A token representing a sequence of non-ASCII printable characters that are not punctuation.
Other = 2006,
* The backslash character `\`.
* The Token.range will always be a string of length 1.
Backslash = 2007,
* The less-than character `<`.
* The Token.range will always be a string of length 1.
LessThan = 2008,
* The greater-than character `>`.
* The Token.range will always be a string of length 1.
GreaterThan = 2009,
* The equals character `=`.
* The Token.range will always be a string of length 1.
Equals = 2010,
* The single-quote character `'`.
* The Token.range will always be a string of length 1.
SingleQuote = 2011,
* The double-quote character `"`.
* The Token.range will always be a string of length 1.
DoubleQuote = 2012,
* The slash character `/`.
* The Token.range will always be a string of length 1.
Slash = 2013,
* The hyphen character `-`.
* The Token.range will always be a string of length 1.
Hyphen = 2014,
* The at-sign character `@`.
* The Token.range will always be a string of length 1.
AtSign = 2015,
* The left curly bracket character `{`.
* The Token.range will always be a string of length 1.
LeftCurlyBracket = 2016,
* The right curly bracket character `}`.
* The Token.range will always be a string of length 1.
RightCurlyBracket = 2017,
* The backtick character.
* The Token.range will always be a string of length 1.
Backtick = 2018,
* The period character.
* The Token.range will always be a string of length 1.
Period = 2019,
* The colon character.
* The Token.range will always be a string of length 1.
Colon = 2020,
* The comma character.
* The Token.range will always be a string of length 1.
Comma = 2021,
* The left square bracket character.
* The Token.range will always be a string of length 1.
LeftSquareBracket = 2022,
* The right square bracket character.
* The Token.range will always be a string of length 1.
RightSquareBracket = 2023,
* The pipe character `|`.
* The Token.range will always be a string of length 1.
Pipe = 2024,
* The left parenthesis character.
* The Token.range will always be a string of length 1.
LeftParenthesis = 2025,
* The right parenthesis character.
* The Token.range will always be a string of length 1.
RightParenthesis = 2026,
* The pound character ("#").
* The Token.range will always be a string of length 1.
PoundSymbol = 2027,
* The plus character ("+").
* The Token.range will always be a string of length 1.
Plus = 2028,
* The dollar sign character ("$").
* The Token.range will always be a string of length 1.
DollarSign = 2029
* Represents a contiguous range of characters extracted from one of the doc comment lines
* being processed by the Tokenizer. There is a token representing a newline, but otherwise
* a single token cannot span multiple lines.
export declare class Token {
* The kind of token
readonly kind: TokenKind;
* The contiguous input range corresponding to the token. This range will never
* contain a newline character.
readonly range: TextRange;
* The doc comment "line" that this Token was extracted from.
readonly line: TextRange;
constructor(kind: TokenKind, range: TextRange, line: TextRange);
toString(): string;
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