# Transmute - Common Provides common types & utilities used throughout the Transmute stack. Please check out the [Transmute repository](https://gitlab.zakscode.com/zakscode/transmute/transmute) for more info. ## Table of Contents * [Transmute - Common](#transmute---common) * [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents) * [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) * [Setup](#setup) * [Cheatsheet](#cheatsheet) ## Prerequisites - [Git](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git) - [NodeJS 18](https://nodejs.org/en/) ## Setup
NPM Install This will install the [prebuilt library](https://gitlab.zakscode.com/zakscode/transmute/transmute/-/packages) from GitLab: 1. Create a `.npmrc` file & add the GitLab's package registry URL': ``` @transmute:registry=https://gitlab.zakscode.com/api/v4/projects/85/packages/npm/ //gitlab.zakscode.com/api/v4/projects/85/packages/npm/:_authToken=tvNAnPtzjy59xFrHBJ2J ``` 2. Install as normal: `npm install --save @transmute/common` If you would like to use your local source code instead of the prebuilt library, continue to the NPM Link section.
NPM Link Make sure you have completed the NPM Install section before continuing. A local copy of common can be used to test changes using [npm link](https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v8/commands/npm-link). After cloning: 1. Install the dependencies: `npm install` 2. Build or watch the common library: `npm run build` or `npm run watch` 3. link the library to npm from common's root directory: `npm link` 4. Link the library to a project: `cd ../project && npm link @transmute/common` **Warning:** Step 4 will need to be re-run when ever an `npm install` is completed. This will only work on your local machine. Make sure you have completed the __NPM Install__ & `@cwb/common` is part of `package.json`.
## Cheatsheet ```bash # Build JS npm run build # Watch for changes npm run watch # Run unit tests npm test # Re-run tests on changes npm run test:watch ```