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<!-- Header -->
< div id = "top" align = "center" >
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<!-- Logo -->
< img src = "./src/assets/images/logo.png" alt = "Logo" width = "200" height = "200" >
<!-- Title -->
### Map Alliance
<!-- Description -->
Map Collaboration Tool
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<!-- Links -->
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< a href = "https://git.zakscode.com/ztimson/map-alliance/releases" target = "_blank" > Release Notes< / a >
• < a href = "https://git.zakscode.com/ztimson/map-alliance/issues/new?template=.github%2fissue_template%2fbug.md" target = "_blank" > Report a Bug< / a >
• < a href = "https://git.zakscode.com/ztimson/map-alliance/issues/new?template=.github%2fissue_template%2fenhancement.md" target = "_blank" > Request a Feature< / a >
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## Table of Contents
- [Map Alliance ](#top )
- [About ](#about )
- [Demo ](#demo )
- [Built With ](#built-with )
- [Setup ](#setup )
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- [Production ](#production )
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- [Development ](#development )
- [License ](#license )
## About
Map Alliance is a map editing & collaboration tool. It provides several tile sets from multiple satellite image providers. From there users can
markup the map with shapes & notations.
Maps are saved to a unique URL. To access or share any map, you just need to share the URL to your map. Anyone viewing the map will have their position synced & displayed on the map.
This was built using Angular & Firebase's Firestore.
### Demo
Website: https://maps.zakscode.com
### Built With
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## Setup
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< summary >
< h3 id = "production" style = "display: inline" >
< / h3 >
< / summary >
#### Prerequisites
- [Docker ](https://docs.docker.com/install/ )
#### Instructions
1. Run the docker image: `docker run -p 80:80 ztimson/map-alliance`
2. Open http://localhost
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< details >
< summary >
< h3 id = "development" style = "display: inline" >
< / h3 >
< / summary >
#### Prerequisites
- [Node.js ](https://nodejs.org/en/download )
#### Instructions
1. Install the dependencies: `npm install`
2. Start the Angular server: `npm run start`
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3. Open http://localhost:4200
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< / details >
## License
Copyright © 2023 Zakary Timson | All Rights Reserved
See the [license ](./LICENSE ) for more information.