
99 lines
3.7 KiB

import {ArgError, ArgParser} from './scripts/lib/arg-parser';
export async function main(ns) {
// Setup
const argParser = new ArgParser('network-graph.js', 'Scan the network for devices and display as an ASCII tree:\n home\n ├─ n00dles (ROOTED)\n | └─ max-hardware (80|1)\n | └─ neo-net (50|1)\n ├─ foodnstuff (ROOTED)\n └─ sigma-cosmetics (ROOTED)', null, [
{name: 'target', desc: 'Point to start scan from, defaults to current machine', optional: true, default: ns.getHostname(), type: 'string'},
{name: 'depth', desc: 'Depth to scan to, defaults to 3', flags: ['-d', '--depth'], default: Infinity, type: 'num'},
{name: 'filter', desc: 'Display devices matching name', flags: ['-f', '--filter'], type: 'string'},
{name: 'regex', desc: 'Display devices matching pattern', flags: ['-r', '--regex'], type: 'string'},
{name: 'verbose', desc: 'Displays the required hack level & ports needed to root: (level|port)', flags: ['-v', '--verbose'], type: 'bool'},
let args;
try {
args = argParser.parse(ns.args);
} catch(err) {
if(err instanceof ArgError) return ns.tprint(;
throw err;
* Prune tree down to devices that match name or pattern.
* @param tree {object} - Tree to search
* @param find {string} - Device name or pattern to search for
* @param regex {boolean} - True to use regex, false for raw check
* @returns {object} - Pruned tree
function filter(tree, find, regex = false) {
const found = new Set();
function buildWhitelist(tree, find, path = []) {
const keys = Object.keys(tree);
if(!keys.length) return;
Object.keys(tree).forEach(n => {
const matches = regex ? new RegExp(find).test(n) : n == find;
if(n == 'n00dles') console.log(n, find, matches);
if(matches) {
path.forEach(p => found.add(p));
buildWhitelist(tree[n], find, [...path, n]);
function prune(tree, whitelist) {
Object.keys(tree).forEach(n => {
if(Object.keys(tree[n]).length) prune(tree[n], whitelist);
if(!whitelist.includes(n)) delete tree[n];
buildWhitelist(tree, find);
prune(tree, Array.from(found));
* Recursively search network & build a tree
* @param host {string} - Point to scan from
* @param depth {number} - Current scanning depth
* @param blacklist {String[]} - Devices already discovered
* @returns Dicionary of discovered devices
function scan(host, depth = 1, blacklist = [host]) {
if(depth > args['depth']) return {};
const localTargets = ns.scan(host).filter(target => !blacklist.includes(target));
blacklist = [...blacklist, ...localTargets];
return localTargets.reduce((acc, target) => {
const info = ns.getServer(target);
const verb = args['verbose'] ? ` (${info.hasAdminRights ? 'ROOTED' : `${info.requiredHackingSkill}|${info.numOpenPortsRequired}`})` : '';
const name = `${target}${verb}`;
acc[name] = scan(target, depth + 1, blacklist);
return acc;
}, {});
* Iterate tree & print to screen
* @param tree {object} - Tree to parse
* @param spacer {string} - Spacer text for tree formatting
function render(tree, spacer = ' ') {
Object.keys(tree).forEach((key, i, arr) => {
const last = i == arr.length - 1;
const branch = last ? '└─ ' : '├─ ';
render(tree[key], spacer + (last ? ' ' : '| '));
// Run
const found = scan(args['target']);
if(args['regex']) filter(found, args['regex'], true);
else if(args['filter']) filter(found, args['filter']);
export function autocomplete(data) {
return [];