class ArgParser { /** * Create a unix-like argument parser to extract flags from the argument list. Can also create help messages. * * @param {string} name - Script name * @param {string} desc - Help description * @param {(ArgParser | {name: string, desc: string, flags?: string[], optional?: boolean, default?: any})[]} argList - Array of CLI arguments * @param {string[]} examples - Additional examples to display */ constructor(name, desc, argList = [], examples = []) { = name; this.desc = desc; // Arguments this.commands = argList.filter(arg => arg instanceof ArgParser); this.args = argList.filter(arg => !arg.flags || !arg.flags.length); this.flags = argList.filter(arg => !(arg instanceof ArgParser) && arg.flags && arg.flags.length); this.flags.push({name: 'help', desc: 'Display this help message', flags: ['-h', '--help'], default: false}); this.defaults = argList.reduce((acc, arg) => ({...acc, []: arg?.extras ? [] : arg.default ?? null}), {}); // Examples this.examples = [ ...examples, `[OPTIONS] ${ => (arg.optional ? `[${}]` : + (arg.extras ? '...' : '')).join(' ')}`, this.commands.length ? `[OPTIONS] COMMAND` : null, `--help ${this.commands.length ? '[COMMAND]' : ''}` ].filter(e => !!e); } /** * Parse an array into an arguments dictionary using the configuration. * * @param {string[]} args - Array of arguments to be parsed * @returns {object} - Dictionary of arguments with defaults applied */ parse(args) { // Parse arguments let extras = [], parsed = {...this.defaults, '_error': []}, queue = [...args]; while(queue.length) { let arg = queue.splice(0, 1)[0]; if(arg[0] == '-') { // Flags // Check for combined shorthand if(arg[1] != '-' && arg.length > 2) { queue = [...arg.substring(2).split('').map(a => `-${a}`), ...queue]; arg = `-${arg[1]}`; } // Find & add flag const combined = arg.split('='); const argDef = this.flags.find(flag => flag.flags.includes(combined[0] || arg)); if(argDef == null) { // Not found, add to extras extras.push(arg); continue; } const value = argDef.default === false ? true : argDef.default === true ? false : queue.splice(queue.findIndex(q => q[0] != '-'), 1)[0] || argDef.default; if(value == null) parsed['_error'].push(`Option missing value: ${}`); parsed[] = value; } else { // Command const c = this.commands.find(command => == arg); if(!!c) { const parsedCommand = c.parse(queue.splice(0, queue.length)); Object.keys(parsedCommand).forEach(key => { if(parsed[key] != parsedCommand[key] && parsedCommand[key] == c.defaults[key]) delete parsedCommand[key]; }); parsed = { ...parsed, ...parsedCommand, _command: }; } else extras.push(arg); // Not found, add to extras } } // Arguments this.args.filter(arg => !arg.extras).forEach(arg => { if(!arg.optional && !extras.length) parsed['_error'].push(`Argument missing: ${}`); if(extras.length) parsed[] = extras.splice(0, 1)[0]; }); // Extras const extraKey = this.args.find(arg => arg.extras)?.name || '_extra'; parsed[extraKey] = extras; return parsed; } /** * Create help message from the provided description & argument list. * * @param {string} message - Message to display, defaults to the description * @param {string} command - Command help message to show * @returns {string} - Help message */ help(message = '', command = '') { const spacer = (text) => Array(24 - text.length || 1).fill(' ').join(''); // Help with specific command if(command) { const argParser = this.commands.find(parser => == command); if(!argParser) throw new Error(`${command.toUpperCase()} does not have a help`) return; } // Description let msg = `\n\n${message || this.desc}`; // Examples msg += '\n\nUsage:\t' + => `run ${} ${ex}`).join('\n\t'); // Arguments if(this.args.length) msg += '\n\n\t' + this.args .map(arg => `${}${spacer(}${arg.desc}`) .join('\n\t'); // Flags msg += '\n\nOptions:\n\t' + => { const flags = flag.flags.join(', '); return `${flags}${spacer(flags)}${flag.desc}`; }).join('\n\t'); // Commands if(this.commands.length) msg += '\n\nCommands:\n\t' + this.commands .map(command => `${}${spacer(}${command.desc}`) .join('\n\t'); return `${msg}\n\n`; } } /** * Display a progress bar in the terminal which updates in real time. * * **Example:** * * `/script/test.js [||||||||||----------] 50% (24.2 MB/s)` * * @param {NS} ns - BitBurner API * @param {string} name - Name to display at the begging of bar * @param {boolean} showSpeed - Show the speed in the progress bar * @param {number} time - Time it takes for bar to fill */ export async function progressBar(ns, name, showSpeed = true, time = Math.random() + 0.5) { const text = (percentage, speed) => { const p = percentage > 1 ? 1 : percentage < 0 ? 0 : percentage; const spacer = Array(30 - name.length).fill(' ').join(''); const bar = `[${Array(Math.round(20 * p)).fill('|').join('')}${Array(Math.round(20 * (1 - p))).fill('-').join('')}]`; const percent = `${Math.round(p * 100)}`; const percentSpacer = Array(3 - percent.length).fill(' ').join(''); return `${name}${spacer}${bar} ${percentSpacer}${percent}%${speed != null ? ` (${speed} MB/s)` : ''}`; } let speed = Math.round((20 + Math.random() * 10) * 10) / 10; ns.tprint(text(1, speed)); // Display the complete bar (This is the one that will be shown on redraws) await ns.sleep(25); // Wait for the new line to display const terminalOutput = eval('document').querySelectorAll('#terminal li p'); const updateLine = terminalOutput[terminalOutput.length - 1]; if(!updateLine) return await ns.sleep(time * 1000); const script = updateLine.innerText.split(': ')[0]; for(let p = 0; p <= 100; p++) { await ns.sleep((time * 1000) / 100); if(p % 5 == 0) speed = Math.round((speed + (Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1) * Math.random()) * 10) / 10; updateLine.innerText = `${script}: ${text(p / 100, showSpeed ? p == 0 ? 0 : speed : null)}`; } } /** * Print text to the terminal & then delay for a random amount of time to emulate execution time. * * @param {NS} ns - BitBurner API * @param {string} message - Text to display * @param {number} min - minimum amount of time to wait after printing text * @param {number} max - maximum amount of time to wait after printing text */ async function slowPrint(ns, message, min = 0.5, max = 1.5) { const time = ~~(Math.random() * (max * 1000 - min * 1000)) + min * 1000; ns.tprint(message); await ns.sleep(time); } /** * Automatically download all the scripts in the repository. * @params ns {NS} - BitBurner API */ export async function main(ns) { // Setup ns.disableLog('ALL'); const updateFile = 'update.js'; const argParser = new ArgParser(updateFile, 'Download the latest script updates from the repository using wget.', [ {name: 'device', desc: 'Device to update, defaults to current machine', optional: true, default: ns.getHostname()}, {name: 'skip-self', desc: 'Skip updating self (for debugging & used internally)', flags: ['--skip-self'], default: false}, {name: 'no-banner', desc: 'Hide the banner (Used internally)', flags: ['--no-banner'], default: false} ]); const args = argParser.parse(ns.args || []); const src = ''; const dest = '/scripts/'; const fileList = [ 'lib/arg-parser.js', 'lib/logger.js', 'lib/utils.js', 'banner.js', 'botnet-manager.js', 'connect.js', 'copy.js', 'crawler.js', 'find-target.js', 'hacknet-manager.js', 'miner.js', 'network-graph.js', 'rootkit.js', 'server-manager.js', ]; // Help if(args['help'] || args['_error'].length) return ns.tprint(['help'] ? null : args['_error'][0], args['_command'])); if(!args['no-banner']) { // Banner ns.tprint('==================================================='); ns.tprint(`Updating: ${args['device']}`); ns.tprint('==================================================='); } // Run if(!args['skip-self']) { // Update self & restart await slowPrint(ns, 'Updating self:'); await ns.wget(`${src}${updateFile}`, `${dest}${updateFile}`, args['device']); await progressBar(ns, `${dest}${updateFile}`); ns.tprint(''); await slowPrint(ns, 'Restarting...'); const pid =`${dest}${updateFile}`, 1, args['device'], '--skip-self', '--no-banner'); if(pid == 0) ns.tprint('Failed'); else ns.tprint('Complete'); return await slowPrint(ns, ''); } else { // Update everything else await slowPrint(ns, 'Downloading scripts:'); for(let file of fileList) { await ns.wget(`${src}${file}`, `${dest}${file}`, args['device']); await progressBar(ns, `${dest}${file}`); } ns.tprint(''); ns.tprint('Done!'); ns.tprint(''); } }