class ArgParser { /** * Create a unix-like argument parser to extract flags from the argument list. Can also create help messages. * @param opts - {examples: string[], arguments: {key: string, alias: string, type: string, optional: boolean, desc: string}[], desc: string} */ constructor(opts) { this.examples = opts.examples ?? []; this.arguments = opts.args ?? []; this.description = opts.desc; } /** * Parse the list for arguments & create a dictionary. * @param args {any[]} - Array of arguments * @returns Dictionary of matched flags + unmatched args under 'extra' */ parse(args) { const req = this.arguments.filter(a => !a.optional && !a.skip); const queue = [...args], parsed = {}, extra = []; for(let i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) { if(queue[i][0] != '-') { extra.push(queue[i]); continue; } let value = null, parse = queue[i].slice(queue[i][1] == '-' ? 2 : 1); if(parse.indexOf('=')) { const split = parse.split('='); parse = split[0]; value = split[1]; } let arg = this.arguments.find(a => a.key == parse) ?? this.arguments.find(a => a.alias == parse); if(!arg) { extra.push(queue[i]); continue; } if(!value) { value = arg.type == 'bool' ? true : queue[i + 1]; if(arg.type != 'bool') i++; } parsed[arg.key] = value; } req.forEach((a, i) => parsed[a.key] = extra[i]); extra.splice(0, req.length); return {...parsed, extra}; } /** * Create a help message of the expected paramters & usage. * @param msg {String} - Optional message to display with help */ help(msg) { let message = '\n\n'; message += msg ? msg : this.description; if(this.examples.length) message += '\n\nUsage:\t' + this.examples.join('\n\t'); const required = this.arguments.filter(a => !a.optional); if(required.length) message += '\n\n\t' + => { const padding = 3 - ~~(a.key.length / 8); return `${a.key}${Array(padding).fill('\t').join('')} ${a.desc}`; }).join('\n\t'); const optional = this.arguments.filter(a => a.optional); if(optional.length) message += '\n\nOptions:\n\t' + => { const flgs = `${a.alias ? `-${a.alias} ` : ''}--${a.key}${a.type && a.type != 'bool' ? `=${a.type}` : ''}`; const padding = 3 - ~~(flgs.length / 8); return `${flgs}${Array(padding).fill('\t').join('')} ${a.desc}`; }).join('\n\t'); return `${message}\n\n`; } } export async function main(ns) { ns.disableLog('ALL'); // Initilize script arguments const argParser = new ArgParser({ desc: 'Search the network for targets to execute a script against.', examples: [ 'run crawler.js [OPTIONS] SCRIPT [ARGS]...', 'run crawler.js --help', ], args: [ {key: 'SCRIPT', desc: 'Script to copy & execute'}, {key: 'ARGS', skip: true, desc: 'Aditional arguments for SCRIPT. Forward the target with "{{TARGET}}"'}, {key: 'depth', alias: 'd', type: 'num', optional: true, desc: 'Number of network hops. Defaults to 3'}, {key: 'level', alias: 'l', type: 'num', optional: true, desc: 'Exclude targets with a high hacking level. Defaults to hack level, 0 to disable'}, {key: 'ports', alias: 'p', type: 'num', optional: true, desc: 'Exclute targets with too many closed ports'}, {key: 'threads', alias: 't', type: 'num', optional: true, desc: 'Set number of threads for script'}, {key: 'help', alias: 'h', type: 'bool', optional: true, desc: 'Display help message'}, ] }); const args = argParser.parse(ns.args); if(args['help']) return ns.tprint(; if(!args['SCRIPT']) return ns.tprint('Missing SCRIPT')); // Setup const depth = args['depth'] || 3; const level = args['level'] || ns.getHackingLevel(); const ports = args['ports'] || Infinity; const threads = args['threads'] || 1; // Recursively search for targets const targets = ns.scan().map(h => [h, 1]); for(let i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { if(targets[i][1] < depth) ns.scan(targets[i][0]).forEach(h => { if(h != 'home' && !targets.find(t => t[0] == h)) targets.push([h, targets[i][1] + 1]); }); } // Execute script on each target for(const target of targets) { // Check target if(level && level < ns.getServerRequiredHackingLevel(target[0]) || (ports && ports < ns.getServerNumPortsRequired(target[0]))) return; // Start script['SCRIPT'], threads, ...args['extra'].map(a => a == '{{TARGET}}' ? target[0] : a)); // Wait for script to finish // do { await ns.sleep(1000); } // while(ns.scriptRunning(args['SCRIPT'], 'home')); await ns.sleep(10000); } }