import {ArgError, ArgParser} from '/scripts/lib/arg-parser'; import {Logger} from "/scripts/lib/logger"; /** * BitBurner autocomplete * @param data {server: string[], txts: string[], scripts: string[], flags: string[]} - Contextual information * @returns {string[]} - Pool of autocomplete options */ export function autocomplete(data) { return []; } /** * Weaken, Grow, Hack loop to "mine" target machine for money. * @params ns {NS} - BitBurner API */ export async function main(ns) { // Setup ns.disableLog('ALL'); const argParser = new ArgParser('miner.js', 'Weaken, Grow, Hack loop to "mine" device for money. Tail for live updates.', null, [ {name: 'device', desc: 'Device to mine, defaults to current machine', optional: true, default: ns.getHostname(), type: 'string'} ]); try { // Run const args = argParser.parse(ns.args); let maxBalance, balance, minSecurity, security; maxBalance = await ns.getServerMaxMoney(args['device']); balance = await ns.getServerMoneyAvailable(args['device']); minSecurity = await ns.getServerMinSecurityLevel(args['device']) + 2; security = await ns.getServerSecurityLevel(args['device']); const logger = new Logger(ns, [ () => `Mining: ${args['device']}`, () => `Security: ${Math.round(security)}/${minSecurity}\tBalance: \$${Math.round(balance * 100) / 100}` ]); while(true) { // Update information security = await ns.getServerSecurityLevel(args['device']); balance = await ns.getServerMoneyAvailable(args['device']); // Pick step if(security > minSecurity) { // Weaken logger.log('Attacking Security...'); const w = await ns.weaken(args['device']); logger.log(`Security: -${w}`); } else if(balance < maxBalance) { // Grow logger.log('Spoofing Balance...'); const g = await ns.grow(args['device']); logger.log(`Balance: +$${Math.round((g * balance - balance) * 100) / 100}`); } else { // Hack logger.log('Hacking Account...'); const h = await ns.hack(args['device']); logger.log(`Balance: -$${h}`); } } } catch(err) { if(err instanceof ArgError) return ns.tprint(; throw err; } }