import {ArgError, ArgParser} from './scripts/lib/arg-parser'; import {downloadPrint, slowPrint} from './scripts/lib/utils'; /** * Pwn a target server with availible tools. Additionally can copy & execute a script after pwning. * @param ns {NS} - Bitburner API */ export async function main(ns) { // Setup ns.disableLog('ALL'); const argParser = new ArgParser('rootkit.js', 'Automatically gain root on a target machine. A file can also be uploaded & executed.', null, [ {name: 'target', desc: 'Target machine to root, defaults to current machine', optional: true, default: ns.getHostname(), type: 'string'}, {name: 'script', desc: 'Script to copy & execute', optional: true, type: 'string'}, {name: 'args', desc: 'Arguments for script. Forward the current target with: {{TARGET}}', optional: true, extras: true, type: 'string'}, {name: 'cpu', desc: 'Number of CPU threads to use with script', flags: ['-c', '--cpu'], type: 'num'}, ]); let args; try { args = argParser.parse(ns.args); if(args['script'] && !args['cpu']) args['cpu'] = ~~(ns.getServerMaxRam(args['target']) / ns.getScriptRam(args['script'], 'home')) || 1; } catch(err) { if(err instanceof ArgError) return ns.tprint(; throw err; } /** * Detect import statements inside script & build a dependency tree. * @params file {string} - Path to file to search * @returns {string[]} - Array of required files */ async function dependencyFinder(file) { const queue = [file], found = []; while(queue.length) { const imports = new RegExp(/from ["']\.(.+)["']/g); const script = await, 1)[0]); let match; while((match = imports.exec(script)) != null) { const path = `${match[1]}.js`; queue.push(path); found.push(path); } } return found; } // Banner ns.tprint('==================================================='); ns.tprint(`Rooting: ${args['target']}`); await slowPrint(ns, '==================================================='); try { // Run exploits await slowPrint(ns, `Attacking over SSH (${args['target']}:22)...`, 1, 2); ns.brutessh(args['target']); await slowPrint(ns, `Attacking over FTP (${args['target']}:24)...`, 1, 2); ns.ftpcrack(args['target']); await slowPrint(ns, `Attacking over SMTP (${args['target']}:25)...`, 1, 2); ns.relaysmtp(args['target']); } catch { } finally { try { // Attempt root ns.tprint(''); ns.nuke(args['target']) ns.tprint(`Root: Success!`); ns.tprint(''); } catch { ns.tprint(`Root: Failed`); ns.tprint(''); ns.exit(); } } if(args['script']) { // Detect script dependencies & copy everything to target await ns.sleep(0.5); await slowPrint(ns, 'Copying files:'); const deps = [...(await dependencyFinder(args['script'])), args['script']]; for(let dep of deps) { await ns.scp(dep, args['target']); await downloadPrint(ns, dep); } // Run script ns.tprint(''); await slowPrint(ns, `Executing with ${args['cpu']} thread${args['cpu'] > 1 ? 's' : ''}...`); ns.scriptKill(args['script'], args['target']); const pid = ns.exec(args['script'], args['target'], args['cpu'], ...args['args'] .map(a => a == '{{TARGET}}' ? args['target'] : a)); ns.tprint(!!pid ? 'Done!' : 'Failed to start'); ns.tprint(''); } } export function autocomplete(data) { return [,]; }