import {ArgParser} from '/scripts/lib/arg-parser'; import {addCSS, htmlPrint, pruneTree, serializeFunction, terminal} from '/scripts/lib/utils'; import {connectionString} from '/scripts/connect'; import {scanNetwork} from '/scripts/crawler'; const CSS = ` #terminal a:not([href]):hover { cursor:pointer; text-decoration:underline; } .srv-fnr { color: #BBBB11; } .srv-fr { color: #FFFF44; font-weight: bold; } .srv-nr { color: #11BB11; } .srv-r { color: #00FF00; font-weight: bold; }` export const factionServers = ['CSEC', 'avmnite-02h', 'I.I.I.I', 'run4theh111z', 'w0r1d_d43m0n']; /** * Scan the network for servers and display as an ASCII tree. Servers with root access are highlighted & bold. * * @param {NS} ns - BitBurner API */ export async function main(ns) { // Setup ns.disableLog('ALL'); const argParser = new ArgParser('network-graph.js', 'Scan the network for servers and display as an ASCII tree. Servers with root access are highlighted & bold. Click to automatically connect.', [ {name: 'server', desc: 'Point to start scan from, defaults to local server', optional: true, default: ns.getHostname()}, {name: 'depth', desc: 'Depth to scan to', flags: ['-d', '--depth'], default: Infinity}, {name: 'filter', desc: 'Filter to servers matching name', flags: ['-f', '--filter']}, {name: 'regex', desc: 'Filter to servers matching pattern', flags: ['-e', '--regex']}, {name: 'level', desc: 'Display the required hack level & number of ports to root: [level|port]', flags: ['-l', '--level'], default: false}, {name: 'notRooted', desc: 'Filter to servers that have not been rooted', flags: ['-n', '--not-rooted'], default: false}, {name: 'rooted', desc: 'Filter to servers that have been rooted', flags: ['-r', '--rooted'], default: false}, {name: 'specs', desc: 'Display the server specifications: {CPU|RAM}', flags: ['-s', '--specs'], default: false}, {name: 'usage', desc: 'Display the server utilization: (USG%)', flags: ['-u', '--usage'], default: false}, {name: 'verbose', desc: 'Display level, specs & usage in that order: [HL|P] {CPU|RAM} (USG%)', flags: ['-v', '--verbose'], default: false}, ]); const args = argParser.parse(ns.args); /** * Get the color class for the server. * * @param {string} server - Server to figure out color for. */ function color(server) { const rooted = ns.getServer(server).hasAdminRights; // Already using getServer so we might as well keep using it if(factionServers.includes(server)) return rooted ? 'srv-fr' : 'srv-fnr'; return rooted ? 'srv-r' : 'srv-nr'; } /** * Create serialized connection command. * * @param {string} server - server to connect to. */ function connectFn(server) { return serializeFunction(terminal, connectionString(ns, server, 'home')); } /** * Iterate tree & convert to ascii. * * @param {Object} tree - Tree to parse * @param {string} spacer - Spacer text for tree formatting */ function render(tree, spacer = ' ') { const nodes = Object.keys(tree); for(let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { const server = nodes[i], info = ns.getServer(server); let stats = ''; if(args['level'] || args['verbose']) stats += ` [${info.requiredHackingSkill}|${info.numOpenPortsRequired}]`; if(args['specs'] || args['verbose']) stats += ` {${info.cpuCores}|${info.maxRam}}`; if(args['usage'] || args['verbose']) stats += ` (${Math.round(info.ramUsed / info.maxRam * 100) || 0}%)`; const last = i == nodes.length - 1; const branch = last ? '└─ ' : '├─ '; htmlPrint(spacer + branch + `${server + stats}`); render(tree[server], spacer + (last ? ' ' : '│ ')); } } // Help if(args['help'] || args['_error'].length) return ns.tprint(['help'] ? null : args['_error'][0], args['_command'])); // Gather network information const [ignore, network] = scanNetwork(ns, args['server'], args['depth']); // Add flags filters if(args['regex']) pruneTree(network, s => RegExp(args['regex']).test(s)); if(args['filter']) pruneTree(network, s => s == args['filter']); if(args['rooted']) pruneTree(network, s => ns.getServer(s).hasAdminRights); // Already using getServer so we might as well keep using it if(args['notRooted']) pruneTree(network, s => !ns.getServer(s).hasAdminRights); // Already using getServer so we might as well keep using it // Output addCSS('network-graph', CSS); htmlPrint(`\n${args['server']}`); render(network); htmlPrint('\n'); } /** * BitBurner autocomplete. * * @param {{servers: string[], txts: string[], scripts: string[], flags: string[]}} data - Contextual information * @returns {string[]} - Pool of autocomplete options */ export function autocomplete(data) { return []; }