import {ArgParser} from './scripts/lib/arg-parser'; /** * Manages hacknet nodes, purchasing nodes to reach the desired amount. * Upgrades (Level, RAM, Cores & Cache) will be automatically purchased. */ export async function main(ns) { ns.disableLog('ALL'); /** * Print header with logs * message - message to append to logs */ function log(message) { ns.clearLog(); ns.print('==================================================='); ns.print(`🖥️ Node Manager: ${nodeCount}/${limit} Nodes`); ns.print('==================================================='); if(message != null) messageHistory.push(message); messageHistory.splice(0, messageHistory.length - historyLength); messageHistory.forEach(m => ns.print(m)); } // Initilize script arguments const argParser = new ArgParser({ desc: 'Buy, upgrade & manage Hacknet nodes automatically. Tail for live updates.', examples: [ 'run node-manager.js [OPTIONS] LIMIT', 'run node-manager.js --balance 1E6 4', 'run node-manager.js --help', ], args: [ {key: 'LIMIT', desc: 'Limit the number of nodes the manager will buy'}, {key: 'balance', alias: 'b', type: 'num', optional: true, desc: 'Prevent spending bellow this point'}, {key: 'help', alias: 'h', optional: true, desc: 'Display help message'}, ] }); const args = argParser.parse(ns.args); // Check arguments if(args['help']) return ns.tprint(; if(!args['LIMIT']) return ns.tprint('Missing LIMIT')); if(isNaN(args['LIMIT'])) return ns.tprint('LIMIT must be a number')); if(!!args['balance'] && isNaN(args['balance'])) return ns.tprint('LIMIT must be a number')); // Setup const historyLength = 17; const messageHistory = Array(historyLength).fill(''); const limit = args['LIMIT']; const savings = args['balance'] ?? 0 const nodeCount = ns.hacknet.numNodes(); log(); while(true) { const balance = ns.getServerMoneyAvailable('home'); // Check if we should buy a new node if(nodeCount < limit && balance - ns.hacknet.getPurchaseNodeCost() >= savings) { nodeCount++; ns.hacknet.purchaseNode(); log(`Buying Node ${nodeCount}`); } else { // Create an ordered list of nodes by their cheapest upgrade const nodes = Array(nodeCount).fill(null) .map((ignore, i) => ({ // Gather information index: i, cacheCost: ns.hacknet.getCacheUpgradeCost(i), coreCost: ns.hacknet.getCoreUpgradeCost(i), levelCost: ns.hacknet.getLevelUpgradeCost(i), ramCost: ns.hacknet.getRamUpgradeCost(i), ...ns.hacknet.getNodeStats(i) })).map(node => { // Figure out cheapest upgrade if(node.cacheCost != 0 && node.cacheCost != Infinity && node.cacheCost <= node.coreCost && node.cacheCost <= node.levelCost && node.cacheCost <= node.ramCost) { node.bestUpgrade = { name: 'cache', cost: node.cacheCost, purchase: () => ns.hacknet.upgradeCache(node.index) }; } else if(node.coreCost != 0 && node.coreCost != Infinity && node.coreCost <= node.cacheCost && node.coreCost <= node.levelCost && node.coreCost <= node.ramCost) { node.bestUpgrade = { name: 'cores', cost: node.coreCost, purchase: () => ns.hacknet.upgradeCore(node.index) }; } else if(node.ramCost != 0 && node.ramCost != Infinity && node.ramCost <= node.cacheCost && node.ramCost <= node.levelCost && node.ramCost <= node.coreCost) { node.bestUpgrade = { name: 'ram', cost: node.ramCost, purchase: () => ns.hacknet.upgradeRam(node.index) }; } else { node.bestUpgrade = { name: 'level', cost: node.levelCost, purchase: () => ns.hacknet.upgradeLevel(node.index) }; } return node; }).sort((a, b) => { // Sort by cheapest upgrade if(a.bestUpgrade.cost > b.bestUpgrade.cost) return 1; if(a.bestUpgrade.cost < b.bestUpgrade.cost) return -1; return 0; }); // Apply the cheapest upgrade if(nodes.length && balance - nodes[0].bestUpgrade.cost >= savings) { const cost = Math.round(nodes[0].bestUpgrade.cost * 100) / 100; log(`Node ${nodes[0].index} - ${nodes[0]} ${nodes[0][nodes[0]] + 1} - $${cost}`); nodes[0].bestUpgrade.purchase(); } } // Check again in 1s await ns.sleep(1000); } }