import {ArgParser} from '/scripts/lib/arg-parser'; import {maxThreads, progressBar} from '/scripts/lib/utils'; /** * Copy a file & it's dependencies to a server. * * @param {NS} ns - BitBurner API * @param {string} src - File to scan & copy * @param {string} server - Device to copy files to * @returns {Promise} - Array of copied files */ export async function copyWithDependencies(ns, src, server) { const queue = [src], found = [src]; while(queue.length) { const file = queue.splice(0, 1)[0]; const imports = new RegExp(/from ["']\.?(\/.+)["']/g); const script = await; let match; while((match = imports.exec(script)) != null) { const path = `${match[1]}.js`; if(!found.includes(path)) found.push(path); queue.push(path); } } await ns.scp(found, server); return found.reverse(); } /** * Copy a file & it's dependencies to a server. * * @param {NS} ns - BitBurner API */ export async function main(ns) { // Setup ns.disableLog('ALL'); const argParser = new ArgParser('copy.js', 'Copy a file & it\'s dependencies to a server.', [ {name: 'file', desc: 'File to copy'}, {name: 'server', desc: 'Server to copy file(s) to'}, {name: 'args', desc: 'Arguments to start file/script with', optional: true, extras: true}, {name: 'cpu', desc: 'Number of CPU threads to start script with, will use maximum if not specified', flags: ['-c', '--cpu']}, {name: 'execute', desc: 'Start script after copying', flags: ['-e', '--execute'], default: false}, {name: 'noDeps', desc: 'Skip copying dependencies', flags: ['-n', '--no-deps'], default: false}, {name: 'quite', desc: 'Suppress program output', flags: ['-q', '--quite'], default: false}, ]); const args = argParser.parse(ns.args); // Help if(args['help'] || args['_error'].length) return ns.tprint(['help'] ? null : args['_error'][0], args['_command'])); // Banner if(!args['quite']) { ns.tprint('==================================================='); ns.tprint(`Copying: ${args['server']}`); ns.tprint('==================================================='); ns.tprint(''); ns.tprint('Copying Files:'); await ns.sleep(500); } // Copy files & create download bar if(args['noDeps']) { await ns.scp(args['file'], args['server']); if(!args['quite']) await progressBar(ns, args['file']); } else { const files = copyWithDependencies(ns, args['file'], args['server']); if(!args['quite']) { for(let file of files) { await progressBar(ns, file); } } } // Run the script if requested if(args['execute']) { const threads = args['cpu'] || maxThreads(ns, args['file'], args['server']) || 1; if(!args['quite']) { ns.tprint(''); ns.tprint(`Executing with ${threads} thread${threads > 1 ? 's' : ''}...`); await ns.sleep(500); } ns.killall(args['server']); const pid = ns.exec(args['file'], args['server'], threads, ...args['args']); if(!args['quite']) { ns.tprint(!!pid ? 'Done!' : 'Failed to start'); ns.tprint(''); } } // Done message if(!args['quite']) { ns.tprint(''); ns.tprint('Done!'); ns.tprint(''); } } /** * BitBurner autocomplete. * * @param {{servers: string[], txts: string[], scripts: string[], flags: string[]}} data - Contextual information * @returns {string[]} - Pool of autocomplete options */ export function autocomplete(data) { return [,]; }