import {ArgError, ArgParser} from '/scripts/lib/arg-parser'; import {bestTarget} from '/scripts/lib/utils'; /** * Scan the network for the best device(s) to mine. * @param ns {NS} - BitBurner API * @returns {*} */ export function main(ns) { // Setup ns.disableLog('ALL'); const argParser = new ArgParser('find-target.js', 'Scan the network for the best device(s) to mine.', null, [ {name: 'count', desc: 'Number of devices to return in order from best to worst', flags: ['-c', '--count'], default: Infinity, type: 'number'}, {name: 'rooted', desc: 'Filter to devices that have been rooted', flags: ['-r', '--rooted'], type: 'bool'}, {name: 'notRooted', desc: 'Filter to devices that have not been rooted', flags: ['-n', '--not-rooted'], type: 'bool'}, {name: 'verbose', desc: 'Display the estimated income per minute per core', flags: ['-v', '--verbose'], type: 'bool'}, ]); try { // Run const args = argParser.parse(ns.args); // Banner ns.tprint('==================================================='); ns.tprint(`Finding Targets:`); ns.tprint('==================================================='); // Search & display results bestTarget(ns).filter((t, i) => !args['count'] || i < args['count']) .filter(t => !args['rooted'] || t.hasAdminRights) .filter(t => !args['notRooted'] || !t.hasAdminRights) .map(t => `${t.hostname}${args['verbose'] ? ` (${t.moneyAMinute.toLocaleString('en-US', { style: 'currency', currency: 'USD', })})` : ''}`) .forEach((t, i) => ns.tprint(`${i + 1}) ${t}`)); ns.tprint(''); } catch(err) { if(err instanceof ArgError) return ns.tprint(; throw err; } }